“Bread – to all the head” is a well-known proverb. It contains the age-old wisdom of our people, who throughout the development paid much attention to bread. If there is bread, there will be peace, there will be a happy healthy life for the people of our country.
For a long time in the life of the people, the upbringing of a caring attitude to bread was, and still is, the first place from the early childhood. Bread… Here it is – fresh, soft, fragrant – lies on an embroidered towel.
“Bread – to all the head” is a well-known proverb. It contains the age-old wisdom of our people, who throughout the development paid much attention to bread. If there is bread, there will be peace, there will be a happy healthy life for the people of our country.
For a long time in the life of the people, the upbringing of a caring attitude to bread was, and still is, the first place from the early childhood. Bread… Here it is – fresh, soft, fragrant – lies on an embroidered towel. From it smells like a golden field, a hot sun, you hear the song of a lark.
The harvest was prepared all winter, spring, and its beginning became a holiday. The peasants wore white festive shirts and drove out for the night in the field, to begin harvesting with the first rays of the sun. It was a real holiday.
How many wonderful words about bread the people preserve in their treasury – oral folk art! “Bread is for everyone”, “Bread is a people’s good”, “The price of bread is life”.
How does the bread smell? Do you know how the bread smells? It smells like the breath of mowers, the fire of hot days, work and creativity, human hot sweat. It smells sweet, like honey combs smell. Let him, bread, our conscience, always be on the table; on an embroidered towel, and our first prayer should be the praise of bread. Let the bread become stale, for it is said among the people that when the bread is hard, both the soul and conscience stale. This will be the bread on the table for a lifetime.