1. Study the map, which industrial centers of the region have the most complete set of “typically Ural industries” – ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, machine building, etc. In which regions and republics of the Urals are observed their concentration? What territories are “falling out” from such a list? Which directions of the economy have received there the primary development?
On the socio-economic map of the Urals, a full “typically Ural set of industries” has only Chelyabinsk. The concentration of these industries is observed in the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions. In the western parts of the region, instead of non-ferrous metallurgy, light and timber industry is developed. Completely “drops out” of this composition Kurgan region.
2. Compare the black metallurgy of the Urals and the Central Black Earth region. What is their similarity and difference? Do each region have its own advantages and weaknesses? Than they are caused?
The Urals and the Central Black Earth region give the bulk of Russia’s ferrous metals, the Urals – almost half. Both of these areas were originally based on their own raw materials. Only the Ural deposits are developed long ago, since the XVII century. and have almost been exhausted. There are almost no own raw materials and technological fuel in the Urals, so all has to be imported from other regions of the country and from Kazakhstan. The equipment is also getting old. In the region there is a considerable development of redistribution of metallurgy, many small old factories have been preserved. In addition, there are many auxiliary industries.
The Kursk magnetic anomaly was discovered in 1931. The enriched KMA ore is sent not only to local enterprises, but also outside the district. The ferrous metallurgy in the Central Black Earth region is practically not developed. The equipment is relatively modern. There is also the only electrometallurgical plant in Russia, where iron is recovered directly from ores, i. e. bypassing one stage of production – blast furnace.
3. How do you think, in which regions of Russia and foreign countries it is convenient to supply products of the timber industry complex of the Urals using the opportunities of the geographical location of the region?
It should be closely located countries and regions located in forest deficient areas. For example, the south of the European territory of Russia: the Volga region, the Northern Caucasus, the Central Black Earth region; from foreign countries – Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.
4. Compare the agricultural specialization of the southern regions of the Urals and the Volga regions and the Center of Russia located in the same latitudes. Which industries are common? How can this be explained?
On the map of agricultural areas, these territories fall into one area – grain and livestock with significant crops of potatoes, vegetables and industrial crops. This is not accidental, because common for these territories are the main features of the climate, only from the west to the east its continentality increases. A significant part of the Urals’ agricultural output is consumed inside the district, since the urban population of the region is significant. From the specialization industries it is possible to single out the production of flax in Udmurtia, sugar beet and honey in Bashkiria, solid wheat varieties in the southern regions.