Biography Zhitkov Boris Stepanovich


Zhitkov Boris Stepanovich (1882 – 1938), the prose writer. He was born on August 30 (September 11, 2001) in Novgorod to a family of a teacher of mathematics. He received a wonderful home education. After graduation he entered the natural department of Novorossiysk University, graduated in 1906.
In 1911 – -16 he studied at the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute in the shipbuilding department. Until 1924, when Zhitkov became a professional writer, he changed many professions: ichthyologist, sailing ship navigator, metalworker, naval officer and engineer, captain of a research vessel, teacher of physics and drawing, head of a technical school.
In 1924 Zhitkov began to publish. He wrote sea stories (collections “The Evil Sea”, 1924, “Maritime History”, 1925 – 37); fabulous stories (“Elchan-Kaya”, 1926); plays (The Fifth Post, 1927, The Seven Lights, 1929); scientific and art books (“Light without fire,” 1927; “Steamer”, 1935).
Collaborated in many children’s newspapers and magazines: Leninskie sparks, New Robinson, Hedgehog, Chizh, Young Naturalist, etc. He wrote for the youngest readers: Pudya, Blizzard, and others. Zhitkov did a lot for the development of the popular science genre in children’s literature (“Stories on Technology”, “Geography Lesson”, “Stories about Animals”).
Shortly before his death he created a children’s story-encyclopedia “What I saw” (published posthumously in 1939). Died October 19, 1938 in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Zhitkov Boris Stepanovich