Seven times measure cut once

The famous proverb made me think: is it always necessary to measure seven times before cutting?

Everyone knows the proverb “measure seven times, cut once”.

Let us turn to the possible origin of the proverb. In the statement itself “measure seven times (initially -” try on “), cut once” it’s about simple and quick action: to cut off part of anything. Proverbs were born in the people’s environment and always related to simple domestic realities. Our example is not an exception: it probably speaks about cutting and sewing. Over time, the expression became “winged,” and its meaning is more generalized: carefully think about everything carefully before carrying out the action. The proverbs also have a similar meaning: “You will hasten – people will mock” and “more quietly you will go further”, urging you not to hurry.

In fact, in such matters as sewing or driving, rushing can lead

to disastrous results.

And now imagine that this council will be followed by a modern person: a kindergarten teacher, a tram controller, a grocery store salesman, and finally a law and order guard who noticed a suspicious subject!

The consequences will not be long in coming. Many activities require rapid decision-making.

Well, should everything be done as it should without caring about the result? Of course no! Any important matter presupposes a willingness to bear responsibility.

Turning to the same folk sayings, we will find a saying “take it on your own”.

Each occupation requires preparation, but not every action requires reflection.

Perhaps, in the current situation, the correct choice will be a quick resolution of disputed situations. Now the confidence in one’s own knowledge and skills is important. To achieve success, one should be able to navigate the flow of information, move steadily towards the goal and, of course, not stop learning new things, continuously developing their abilities.

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Seven times measure cut once