Painting by Nesterov “The Vision of the Bartholomew”

The canvas of MV Nesterov’s “The Vision of the Youth of Warfalome” is considered one of the artist’s significant works. Nesterov himself in his memoirs writes that the idea to paint a painting was born at a time when he admired the opening landscape, standing on the terrace of the Abramtsevo house, captured by the simple beauty of Russian nature in the autumn.

It is the autumn landscape that serves as the backdrop for the wonderful events from the childhood of Sergius of Radonezh. This event Nesterov conveyed in his painting. The miracle that happened with the youth Bartholomew, changed his whole life. Bartholomew in the painting is depicted in awe. In ecstasy he folded his hands prayerfully and listened to everything the wanderer tells him.

It is impossible to say whether the miracle-worker is old or young, giving a wonderful gift to Barthalamus. He leaned wearily against the tree, his face closing the hood of the goddam. But Warfalamey is all open to the saint that entered his life along with this weary traveler.

And around it were wide Russian expanses. The golden forests shade the strict clothing of the saint. Near the church, at home. But nothing can be seen by the Warfalaims: no native village, no autumn forest. For him at that moment there is only a wanderer in the monk’s clothes and his words uttered in the name of God. And nature spills the rest, which from now on settled in the soul of the boy, who saw his destiny on this earth.

Painting by Nesterov “The Vision of the Bartholomew”