Painting Firsova “Young Painter”, written in the eighteenth century, at the same time the genre painting was almost unknown and did not enjoy enough popularity, so it was not recognized. Because of this picture, almost two centuries, no one knew. Before Firsov began to paint pictures, he was engaged in the fact that he was the designer of the plays and drew decorations, arranged lavish festivals for the nobility and nobles.
Strangely enough, but only until the modern generation is untouched and almost unknown to anyone. This picture was the work of the “Young Painter”. And, it is believed that it was this author who pioneered a new genre in Russian painting.
At first glance the picture seems simple and uncomplicated, but if you look closely, this portrait is truly a great creation. A young and inexperienced artist, diligently trying to deduce all lines and curves, emphasize the importance of what he wants to portray and convey to the viewer. But the most important and the main viewer is not the public at all, but the model. Full of restlessness and curiosity, coquetry and unquenchable energy, she can not sit still and always wants to jump up and run to see what happens. Therefore, trying to contain her impulses, she clings closer and closer to her mother. She, in turn, realizing what the girl is going to do, threatens her with a finger.
And on the floor, next to the young painter, there is a box of paints, on the left is a sculpture, a little further bust, looking up, you can see the pictures. A room lit by the sun’s rays is complemented by a bright green curtain.
I. I. Firsov skillfully combines objects that seemed to be difficult to unite, but this heap creates a coziness and completeness, as if everything lies where it should. It was bold enough for him to convey in the picture the life that “ordinary” people lived.
Painting by Firsov “The Young Painter”