In every person’s life there must be a hobby. Despite the fact that man as a whole is created for labor and perfection of the world around, no one will ever be really happy and successful, respectively, if he does not have enough time to pursue his favorite business. Hobbies – this is a favorite thing, because it is behind him that you want to spend as much time as possible, doing exactly what you like best. Fortunately, there is a hobby in my life. Therefore, after a lot of work and serious efforts, I can be sure that there is always time for me, when I can do what I love.
My hobbies are traveling. For not so long time of the life I already had time to travel much enough. Why do I like this kind of training? Well, this question is both simple and complex, because a hobby in the life of each person arises because of certain life circumstances. Traveling is my hobby for a number of reasons. Firstly, you can learn a lot of new things while traveling. When a person lives in one place and is engaged all the time with the same things, he becomes excessively addicted to his life, to what surrounds him. He starts to think that there is no other way. During travel this belief can be dispelled. When a person travels, he sees the life of other people, their way of life, begins to understand their philosophy. This expands the worldview of the person himself, makes him look at the world with different eyes and become spiritually wealthier. Secondly, travel helps to test your own strength, very often they are a kind of test for a person. For example, it is not a secret for anybody that it is during some travels that a person faces some domestic problems, which can be difficult to overcome. But such overcoming is necessary, because thanks to him, a person receives an extremely valuable life experience, becomes more intelligent, skilful and the like. Thirdly, after traveling, I always feel that I live not in vain. It seems to me that the more places on the planet I visit, the more and more fully I live. However, I realize that this is more of my personal and subjective. very often they are a kind of test for a person. For example, it is not a secret for anybody that it is during some travels that a person faces some domestic problems, which can be difficult to overcome. But such overcoming is necessary, because thanks to him, a person receives an extremely valuable life experience, becomes more intelligent, skilful and the like. Thirdly, after traveling, I always feel that I live not in vain. It seems to me that the more places on the planet I visit, the more and more fully I live. However, I realize that this is more of my personal and subjective. very often they are a kind of test for a person. For example, it is not a secret for anybody that it is during some travels that a person faces some domestic problems, which can be difficult to overcome. But such overcoming is necessary, because thanks to him, a person receives an extremely valuable life experience, becomes more intelligent, skilful and the like. Thirdly, after traveling, I always feel that I live not in vain. It seems to me that the more places on the planet I visit, the more and more fully I live. However, I realize that this is more of my personal and subjective. because thanks to him, a person receives an extremely valuable life experience, becomes more intelligent, skilful and the like. Thirdly, after traveling, I always feel that I live not in vain. It seems to me that the more places on the planet I visit, the more and more fully I live. However, I realize that this is more of my personal and subjective. because thanks to him, a person receives an extremely valuable life experience, becomes more intelligent, skilful and the like. Thirdly, after traveling, I always feel that I live not in vain. It seems to me that the more places on the planet I visit, the more and more fully I live. However, I realize that this is more of my personal and subjective.
I never chose a hobby and did not try to find something popular or common in its quality. It so happened that traveling is a hobby for a lot of people. I take it absolutely calmly and with understanding. I can rejoice in my hobby and enjoy life as a whole, and I am convinced that this is correct.
My hobby is a composition in Russian