The house of my grandmother Nastya is in Slobozhansky village of Petrovka. The building itself is not much different from other houses in this village. The house is low, three windows go out to the street, the rest – to the courtyard and to the garden. The house is closely approached cherry, apple, apricot trees. And the apple tree branches lie directly on the roof. Almost until late autumn, part of the roof is covered with fallen apple-tree leaves, among which are apples. Birds obviously peck at them, but it’s hard to see from the yard. Before the first snow dad, who comes to Petrovka to visit his parents, climbs on the roof and diligently cleans it of leaves and fruits. But the most important thing, because of what the dad climbs to the roof, is a horse. This wooden carved decoration on the roof of the house grandfather made a long time ago. It is in the form of a pheasant. And from time to time my dad paints him, carefully choosing colors to make it all happen,
Once their grandmother and grandfather visited their old friend Sergei Petrovich, an employee of a hunting farm. The wooden pheasant on the roof brought him to admiration. What was the surprise of my grandparents, when some time later Sergei Petrovich again came to visit this time with an unusual gift. As a gift to his friends, he brought a live pheasant. The hunter’s farm of Sergey Petrovich breeds this strange bird for our places. It is not just a commercial bird. It brings great benefits to agriculture: walking around the fields, destroying pests of crops. Pheasant became a real decoration of the yard. Villagers sometimes specially make a detour to pass the yard of my grandparents and see our Yashka – we gave this name to the pheasant. It is surprisingly similar to the wooden one that crowns the roof of the house. But however,
That’s it, my grandmother’s house in the village of Petrovka.
My grandmother’s house