My favourite profession

As a child, each of us wants to be an animal trainer, a chauffeur, then a military pilot, then a pilot, then a seller of balloons or ice cream. It’s worthwhile for us with the parents to visit the zoo or the circus, and we already imagine ourselves in a cage with tigers or elephants. After the weekend spent on the carousel in the park, we think that when we grow up, we will definitely become a seller of balloons. Or the controller who passes the children to the platform of the motor-racing track. Because at that moment we were captured by the sight of a person in one cage with a wild animal or wanted to ride indefinitely for a long time on the roundabouts, eat ice cream as much as he could, and hold in his hand exactly the same colorful balloon that the passing children had.

We are growing up and more and more often we hear from parents and teachers the question: “Who do you want to be?”.

Who to be? Which of the professions to choose? How not to make a mistake in your choice? After all, each of us, including me, wants to be in its place. That the chosen profession is not just like, but also brings joy and satisfaction, and that people then say that this person knows his business, that he is a professional.

I remember the biographies of some famous people. Many of them, too, were not immediately determined with the choice of the future profession. For example, Alexander Blok. In 1898, he passed the exams at St. Petersburg University and was enrolled in the Faculty of Law. And years later he admitted that he went to the legal “rather unconsciously”, only because he seemed the easiest. As a result, the study went somehow, the poet did not find in himself a serious interest in jurisprudence. But he spent hours in a dramatic circle, reciting the verses of AK Tolstoy, A. Apukhtin and his own. And, as he later recalled, he had barely “speeded up” the first course, and on the second he was “stuck” – he stayed for two years. Only “going to the third year, I realized that it was completely alien to legal science.” In the fall of 1901, the poet was transferred to the Slavic-Russian branch of the philological faculty, and from that time the attitude towards learning in Blok changed dramatically. He went deep into the study of Russian and European literature, diligently attended and listened to lectures. And in May 1906 he graduated from the university with a first degree diploma.

Very similar to the story of the choice of future profession in V. Vysotsky. His parents wanted him to become a civil engineer. And he obeyed. Suppressing the desire for acting, V. Vysotsky entered the mechanical faculty of the Moscow Construction Institute named after Kuibyshev. And in parallel I was engaged in amateur performances. As the actor himself later admitted, he “once filled an ink drawing, the sixth time altered,” after which he told his friend that he would not go to the institute anymore.

The examples of A. Blok and V. Vysotsky tell us that when choosing a future profession it is very important not to be mistaken. The choice of profession is the choice of the whole subsequent life. When a person likes his profession, he will go to work with love and good spirits, invest his soul and receive great satisfaction. And this, I think, is one of the main components of human happiness.

And if we proceed from what has just been said, then I choose the history faculty of pedagogy. I will become a teacher of an institute, a technical school, a school or a simple school teacher after graduating from university – this will be shown by time. It seems to me that the most important quality in a teacher’s profession should be the ability to find a common language with students, the ability to tune in to their way of perceiving the world, the understanding of the values ​​that guide them in everyday life in order to be able to convince the unskilled teenager at the right moment, instruct on the right path.

And, of course, give knowledge. In my deep conviction, the knowledge of domestic and world history is essential for every person. History is not just information about the past. History is the education of a sense of responsibility for one’s actions not only for close people, but for the whole country. In the end, it seems to me, to a great extent, it is the teacher of history who will determine whether a person will become a true patriot of his homeland or become an unfounded critic who will indiscriminately groan his country and her past without offering anything in return. I am sure that it was the teachers of history who had in mind the well-known writer H. Wells when he said: “No conqueror can change the essence of the masses, no statesman can raise world affairs above the ideas and abilities of that generation of adults, with whom he is dealing. But a teacher can accomplish more than conquerors and state leaders. He can create a new imagination and free the hidden powers of humanity. “



