My favorite season is composition

When I was asked at school to write an essay about my favorite season, I did not hesitate for long. Yes, I like golden autumn, snow-white winter. I also like spring when the trees bloom. But my favorite season is summer!

Especially I love the arrival of summer. It’s high time, when the heat and stuffiness do not yet rule over the towns and villages. There are many colors around. And even the white “candles” still glow on the chestnuts. In the evenings it is warm, but a fresh breeze is blowing. I do not stay at home, I want to walk, have fun. And people around too feel something like that: everyone has a festive, upbeat mood.

During the summer holidays, you can enjoy life: to travel, swim on the beach, play football, basketball or badminton, ride a bike. There is a lot of time to read books that you want, not just the school curriculum. There is time to sit around at the computer, but this is not worth pursuing. After all, there is a beautiful time of the year in the yard, you can not lose a minute! Of course, in the summer it is often hot and stuffy, especially in a big dusty city. But I do not want to trade this heat for winter colds! I do not want to get into my sheepskin coat and boots!

Summer I like not only because in the summer I rest on vacation. At this time of year nature is so generous with gifts: vegetables, fruits, berries. The first cherry will sail. Then a dark sweet cherry ripens, and then. Red-bellied apples, grapes, plums. True, I love summer for the fact that among other seasons it is the most generous to us!



