In the history of mankind, an unimaginable variety of books has been written. And although only a very small, insignificant part was read by me, it is still very difficult for me to answer the question – what kind of book is my favorite. First, I like books in general, in the broad sense of the word. After all, it was thanks to books that the society developed, and continues to develop to this day. Books teach us a lot – how we should treat each other, the world around us, and much more. They carry a huge meaning, make us smarter, better, more humane, more educated. To list what gives us the reading of books is endless. That is why, we must love and cherish books – they have a huge price!
I like to read, and I have already read many books. At the same time, I find it difficult to name my favorite book. I really enjoy reading Russian classics – Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Lermontov and many others. From the works of our classics I like most of all the “Cherry Orchard” by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Maxim Gorky’s play “At the Bottom”, Ivan Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”, “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoyevsky – and many other things.
From foreign literature I really like the fantasy of John Ronald Ruel Tolkien. I love Jack London’s stories and stories, especially White Fang. I was very much impressed by the novels of Karl May about the life of the Indians of the Wild West. And again – it is very difficult for me to single out among all the books read by foreign authors some one, there are a lot of them.
From poetry I most of all like to read the poems of the poets of the Silver Age. How beautiful and good they wrote – Sergei Yesenin, Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Blok, Vladimir Mayakovsky and many others.
I agree with the expression of the famous writer Yuri Olesha, who said that the whole history of literature is on one bookshelf. It seems to me that by this he meant to say that books – they do not compete with each other, they have one common goal – to change the world around and society for the better. The greatest influence on the development of my character was Alexander Pushkin, or rather his prose.
My favorite book is the whole world literature as a whole. I develop, I constantly read new works by various authors. And many of them become my favorite books. And I really hope that the number of my favorite books will continue to grow!
My favorite book