Mobile phone in our life

We live in a time of rapid development of technology. The technique is everywhere: phones, tablets, computers, huge televisions, and even “smart” watches. What is the place of the phone in our modern life and how much does it need for a modern person?

To begin with – we will understand with concept “phone”. When my father was small, home phones just started installing home phones. This was not a means of communication for everyone. In the school years of my brother began to appear push-button mobile phones, and this was considered a luxury.

Over time, the mobile phone has changed beyond recognition. Now nobody is surprised by the size of the phone or its functionality. It is difficult to surprise this modern man. My generation uses not just mobile phones, but a whole complex of possibilities: a photo and video camera, storage of information, access to the Internet. Simply put, the current phone is a small, sometimes even full-fledged computer. What does this give a modern man?

This gives a wide field of possibilities. The only question is how he will use them. A modern phone gives you access to almost any information, anytime, anywhere. Is not it wonderful? Unfortunately, not everyone can filter out and sort useful information from information garbage.

We can contact distant relatives or old friends. But instead of calling grandmother, we spend hours talking with friends, with whom we see so often.

We have the opportunity to create interesting and creative photos, because the camera on a modern phone makes high-quality pictures. But what do we do? Photos of “loved ones”. Mobile phone is designed to bring people together. Just like social networks. But, often comes out with accuracy, but vice versa. We forget about our relatives, communicating with those who are far away. We are distracted by completely unnecessary and far from us things, forgetting about the essential. When the question is about creativity, the development of fantasy is useful. But if the information space is filled with garbage – there is nothing good in this.

A mobile phone for many people is an integral part of life. In some cases, it even grows into a dependency. But one does not need to take away this achievement of science. A person only needs to be taught how to rationally use the phone, and then the mobile will turn into an assistant and a loyal friend, and will not take away time and life.

Mobile phone in our life