The closest to the heart of nature, is the nature of the places where we were born.
We must love and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, especially if these are childhood’s favorite places of our native land.
Perhaps the most powerful and exciting memories from childhood are favorite paths, nooks and crannies, someone even an old centuries-old tree growing nearby, a stream, a clearing or a sun-drenched lawn, a rock cliff or a hill on which, as a child, somebody with a history teacher conducted excavations and found ancient ornaments or objects of everyday life. The homeland is a very capacious concept in its content.
It has a very deep and multifaceted meaning.
Where does the homeland begin? From the picture in your letter-book, with good and kind comrades. This is indeed a very correct expression from a popular song.
For each person – this is his family, that is, the most dear and close people. Then this concept expands to the entire surrounding world, and the person at the word birth comes up with pictures and landscapes of his native land. In Kogoto it is a picturesque expanse, and to whom that bare steppe and hot desert with sand will be the best on earth.
Each of us has his favorite places, which we like from childhood, and with which the person has his memories and associations.
But what can be more beautiful than those memories that have survived in man? Especially if they are pleasant memories, and all the more related to childhood.
So, first of all, the Motherland is those native paths along which a person went somewhere, familiar alleys, alleys, houses, parks, lakes and everything else – everyone has their own associations and memories. It is with this that love begins for the motherland – from the native places that are close to each person. Therefore the Motherland itself is not separable from nature and from its beauties.
Further on, to this image, we add respect, respect that every person has before his ancestors who lived and worked on this earth, ennobling it in labor and defending on the battlefields. And every person should remember that the motherland and his homeland will always help him to gain physical and spiritual strength, whatever burdens he might experience in life. And it is erroneous to identify the homeland with the economic well-being of that state or the system in which we live.
The concept of “Homeland” is a much more intimate and spiritual concept.
And this image lives in the soul of every person.
“Love for the native land” composition