The climate of Eurasia is very diverse. The north of the continent lies beyond the Arctic Circle, the southern parts – between the Southern Tropic and the equator. This determines the location of Eurasia in all thermal and climatic zones of the Earth. As in North America, with the progress from north to south, the air temperature gradually increases due to an increase in the angle of incidence of the sun’s rays on the earth’s surface. The lowest temperatures throughout the year are observed in the Arctic Circle in the cold heat belt. Here the Polar Night lasts about five months. The temperature reaches -40 ° C in winter. Even during the short summer, it almost never happens above 0 ° C.
In a moderate thermal belt, air temperatures gradually increase from north to south. In connection with the change in the angle of incidence of sunlight during the year, significant annual amplitude of temperature fluctuation is noticeable. The closer to the coast of the oceans, the more the temperature difference between winter and summer is less, the farther into the interior of the continent – the greater.
The highest air temperatures are observed in Eurasia in the south, between the Northern Tropic and the equator, since during the year the sun is at its zenith. Usually below +20 ° C the temperature does not drop.
Influence of geographical latitude on the climate of Eurasia