I love my homeland, my Ryazan region with its endless fields, boundless forests, calm rivers, birch groves.
Ryazan is one of the central Russian cities. It is famous for its originality, greatness of history.
Initially, the city was called Pereyaslavl. Located on the southern borders of Russia, the Ryazan principality experienced the most heaviness of the Tatar-Mongol yoke more than others. In the fateful for Old Ryazan, December 1237 Pereyaslavl survived. It became the new capital of the principality.
In the XIV century, the city successfully develops as a trade and craft center, through which significant trade routes pass. The construction of the Kremlin begins. As part of a single Russian state, Pereyaslavl turns into a major military-defensive city, which defended Moscow from an attack from the south.
In 1778, the city was named Ryazan and presented with a coat of arms, which depicts a warrior figure with a sword in his hands.
The people of Ryazan always had courage and courage. They were in the front ranks to defend their homeland.
Ryazan remembers and honors his heroes. Their names are immortalized in the names of streets and squares.
Ryazan has something to be proud of: many famous people were born on its land, such as the great physiologist Academician IP Pavlov, the founder of modern cosmonautics KE Tsiolkovsky and many others.
The city is rich in sights. The personification of all the old in it, of course, is the famous Uspensky Cathedral, built at the very end of the 17th century by the serf architect Yakov Bukhvostov. This is a gigantic structure, inside of which there is a unique iconostasis. Now the cathedral is a museum and a temple at the same time.
Despite its 900th anniversary, celebrated in 1995, Ryazan is growing prettier. Next to the old buildings of the famous architects MF Kazakov and the Naryshkin brothers, new buildings are growing like mushrooms. They, as a rule, do not violate the architectural ensemble in the city center.
The folk path does not grow in the village of Konstantinovo, which is near Ryazan. Sergei Yesenin, our famous countryman, was born and raised there. If he were not a Ryazan boy, could he have written such lines?
The scarlet light of the dawn was wreathed on the lake.
Wood grouse with tinkles is mourning.
Crying somewhere an Oriole, buried in a hollow.
Only I do not cry – it’s light in my soul.
Are there any other places where you can relax your soul?