Sometimes you ask yourself: Is man born for war? I do not want to believe in it. Why be born for destruction?
Man comes to this world to know the world in love, harmony, creation. People are born in love and for love, and war is contrary to human reason as the establishment of a reasonable and internally strong and beautiful. But here we can not say that the war has many faces: for some it is – the way to glory, for others – the struggle for freedom and general well-being, for the third – a matter of principle…
War is an event that must not only be experienced, but also comprehended. It not only destroys, but often leads to the unity of the people, to an emotional, cultural, moral, ethical outburst. War unites people in a single impulse against a common enemy. Do not stand “apart” from this struggle and writers, poets, artists, composers…
They have always maintained that war is contrary to the “human” in man, because it calls for the arms of men, old men, adolescents, women. It is very difficult to imagine a woman, the keeper of the hearth and mother, in the war.
Once, Julia Drunin was asked: “How did you manage to preserve tenderness and femininity after participating in such a brutal war?” To this question the woman answered: “For us, the whole point of the war with fascism was in defending this femininity, quiet motherhood, the well-being of children, the world for a new person”:
I do not know where I studied tenderness, –
Do not ask me about this…
… I do not know where I studied tenderness, –
Perhaps, on the road front.
A woman at war is inhuman. It is this opinion that can be traced in the story of B. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet.” The work amazes the readers by depicting how the young girl’s purity is faced with the inhuman and cruel forces of fascism.
The heroines of the story are five girls who are called to detain German saboteurs. Yes, the enemy is detained, but not one of the women survives. This small victory came at the cost of five young lives.
The story becomes an anthem of femininity and charm of young heroines. The author shows with bitterness how the harsh reality of war comes into irreconcilable contradiction with all that is beautiful in these lovely girls. Probably, it was this successfully found contrast that caused the story “A dawns here are quiet…” it is impossible to read without the tears of millions of grateful descendants.
Very strongly and figuratively, the horrors of the war were shown in Leo Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace. The people in the depiction of the writer are the decisive force of history. In the novel, this is emphasized by the description of war as a people’s war, and the victory over Napoleon is viewed as the result of patriotic efforts of the popular masses who have not suffered foreign violence.
During the battle in the Borodino field everyone understood that he was fighting for his land. That is why, without waiting for the commanders’ orders, the soldiers wore a clean dress before the battle, solemnly and severely prepared to fulfill their duty – to die, but not to admit the enemy to the walls of the ancient capital. They understood that they were responsible for the fate of the Motherland. Having caught this mood of soldiers, Andrei Bolkonsky comes to the conclusion that the battle of Borodino will be won because of the feeling of patriotism that is in him and in every Russian person.
In “Sevastopol stories,” Tolstoy showed the war “not in the correct, beautiful and brilliant system with music and drumbeat, with fluttering banners and prancing generals… and in its present expression – in blood, in suffering, in death…” .
Under his brilliant pen, the heroic defense of Sevastopol is resurrected. Only three points are taken, only three pictures are snatched from a desperate, unequal struggle, which for almost a whole year has not ceased and ceased to be at Sevastopol. This is not only a great work of art, but also a true historical document. And, after decades, Russia was waiting for a new shock – the Great Patriotic War, which again made writers and poets wonder “what is war?”.
In Kondratiev’s story “Sashka”, through the eyes of the protagonist, we observe the life of people at the front, in the rear, in hospitals, and in the villages. But, first of all, Sashka, and all the soldiers are ordinary people with human thoughts and actions. When the main character caught a German, he was visited by thoughts of a future reward, he went with pride through the “Fritz” by his comrades, that they would marvel at his courage. And, at the same time, Sashka is always ready to help his neighbor.
During the Great Patriotic War, the name of the poet Konstantin Simonov was well known. His poems “Wait for me,” “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of Smolensk” and others called for courage and fortitude, inspired the belief in the inevitability of victory over the fascists.
Reflecting on this topic, you ask yourself the question: “What is the war in Chechnya, in Afghanistan?”. I do not find any sense in these wars, I see no reason that can justify millions of ruined lives. And this is the horror of reality. Even more frightening. when under the guise of the “righteous” lies a malicious aggressor who allegedly fights for democracy throughout the world. It’s terrible that everyone turns a blind eye to the “tricks of a malicious aggressor” and do not want to fight it. I think the welfare of the country needs to be assessed not only by economic growth and the exchange rate, but also by the “moral” health of people. A normal, sane person will never raise a weapon against his own kind and will not take part in a war of global insanity.
Horrors of the war composition