Happiness does not have tomorrow
Happiness does not have tomorrow; he does not have yesterday’s; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future, it has a present – and it’s not a day, but an instant.
Happiness is momentary. It arises by chance and does not stay long. It as a bird all the time somewhere is trying, it rushes, it does not stop. We need to enjoy happiness, catch every ray of it, every moment of it, because tomorrow it will be gone. It will fly, sit quietly on his shoulder, and from one careless movement or just when he gets bored, this bird will fly further away, because she is alone, and there are many people, and everyone wants happiness for themselves and their loved ones. She must have time to cover all with her wing. Happiness can not be past, because happiness can not last forever. Happiness is one brief instant, one instant, but how beautiful! I want it to last forever, but you realize that this is impossible. We must live, just live, overcoming all misfortunes, all misfortunes, knowing that there is happiness, it is close, in ourselves. And even after the strongest downpour, the pouring rain, thunderstorms, the gloomy clouds will dissipate, and the sun will peer out, illuminate all with its light, there will finally be a ray of hope, and a little bird of blue will fly and wave the wing. And tomorrow, happiness will be different. It consists of numerous small factors like sunlight, the smile of a casual passer-by. Tomorrow and the sun will shine in a different way, and happiness will not be similar to yesterday’s.
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