Folk poetic creativity – mass verbal art creativity of one or another people; the totality of its forms and forms, denoted by this term in modern science, has other names – folk literature, oral literature, folk poetry, folklore. Verbal artistic creativity arose in the process of the formation of human speech. In pre-class society, it is closely related to other human activities, reflecting the beginnings of its knowledge and religious – mythological ideas. In the process of social differentiation of society, various forms and forms of oral verbal creativity emerged, expressing the interests of different social groups and strata. The most important role in its development was played by the creative work of the working masses. With the advent of writing, arose literature, historically related to oral folk art
Collectivity of oral folk art (meaning not only the expression of the thoughts and feelings of the collective, but, above all, the process of collective creation and dissemination) determines the variability, i. e., the variability of texts in the process of their existence. At the same time, the changes could be very different – from minor stylistic variations to a significant refinement of the idea. In memorizing, as well as in the variation of texts, an important role is played by original stereotyped formulas – so-called. common places associated with certain plot situations, passing from text to text (for example, in the epics – the formula of a horse’s saddle, etc.).
In the process of being, the genres of verbal folk art experience the “productive” and “unproductive” periods (“ages”) of their history (the emergence, spread, entry into the mass repertoire, aging, extinction), and this is ultimately connected with social and cultural – everyday changes in society. The stability of the existence of folklore texts in folk life is explained not only by their artistic value, but also by the slowness of changes in the way of life, world outlook, tastes of their main creators and guardians-peasants. Texts of folklore works of various genres are variable (albeit to varying degrees). However, in general, the tradition has immeasurably greater power in folk art than in professional literary creation.
Collectivity of verbal folk art does not mean its depersonalization: talented masters actively influenced not only the creation, but also the dissemination, improvement or adaptation of texts to the needs of the collective. In the conditions of the division of labor, a peculiar profession of performers of works of folk art emerged. In some countries of the Middle East and Central Asia, in the Caucasus, transitional forms of verbal folk creativity emerged: works created by certain persons were disseminated verbally, but the text changed relatively little, the author’s name was usually known and often introduced into the text (for example, Toktogul Satylganov in Kyrgyzstan, Sayat-Nova in Armenia).
The richness of genres, themes, images, poetics of verbal NT is due to the diversity of its social and domestic functions, as well as ways of performing (solo, chorus, choir and soloist), a combination of text with melody, intonation, movements (singing, singing and dancing, storytelling, playing, dialogue, etc.). In the course of history, some genres underwent creatures, changes, disappeared, new ones appeared. In the most ancient period, most peoples had tribal traditions, labor and ritual songs, conspiracies. Later there are magical, everyday tales, tales about animals, pre-state (archaic) forms of the epic. In the period of the formation of statehood, a classic heroic epic emerged, then historical songs and ballads arose. Even later, an extra-lyrical song, a romance, a chastushka and other small lyrical genres were formed and, finally,
Despite the vivid national coloring of the works of verbal folk art of different peoples, many motifs, images and even plots in them are similar. For example, about two-thirds of the stories of fairy tales of European peoples have parallels in the tales of other peoples, which is caused either by development from one source or by cultural interaction, or the appearance of similar phenomena on the basis of general laws of social development.
Up until the late feudal era and the period of capitalism, verbal folk art developed relatively independently from written literature. Later, literary works are more active than before, they penetrate into the national environment (for example, “The Prisoner” and “Black Shawl” by Alexander Pushkin, “The Chapters” by NA Nekrasov, see also in Volnaya Russkaya Poetry, Non-fiction). On the other hand, the work of folk narrators acquires certain features of literature (individualization of characters, psychologism, etc.). In a socialist society, the availability of education provides an equal opportunity to reveal talents and creative professionalization of the most gifted people. Various forms of mass verbal and artistic culture (the work of songwriters, chastushchechnikov, the composition of interludes and satirical scenes, etc.) develop in close contact with professional socialist art; among them the traditional forms of verbal folk art continue to play a certain role. The centuries-old existence has provided enduring art, value and long existence of such songs, tales, legends, etc., which most clearly reflect the peculiarities of the people’s spiritual make-up, ideals, hopes, arts, tastes, life. This is also due to the profound impact of verbal folk art on the development of literature. M. Gorky said: “The beginning of the art of the word – in folklore.” On the record of folk art, its study and methodological principles of study among them the traditional forms of verbal folk art continue to play a certain role. The centuries-old existence has provided enduring art, value and long existence of such songs, tales, legends, etc., which most clearly reflect the peculiarities of the people’s spiritual make-up, ideals, hopes, arts, tastes, life. This is also due to the profound impact of verbal folk art on the development of literature. M. Gorky said: “The beginning of the art of the word – in folklore.” On the record of folk art, its study and methodological principles of study among them the traditional forms of verbal folk art continue to play a certain role. The centuries-old existence has provided enduring art, value and long existence of such songs, tales, legends, etc., which most clearly reflect the peculiarities of the people’s spiritual make-up, ideals, hopes, arts, tastes, life. This is also due to the profound impact of verbal folk art on the development of literature. M. Gorky said: “The beginning of the art of the word – in folklore.” On the record of folk art, its study and methodological principles of study This is also due to the profound impact of verbal folk art on the development of literature. M. Gorky said: “The beginning of the art of the word – in folklore.” On the record of folk art, its study and methodological principles of study This is also due to the profound impact of verbal folk art on the development of literature. M. Gorky said: “The beginning of the art of the word – in folklore.” On the record of folk art, its study and methodological principles of study