“Family” composition
Differences between a man and a woman are inherent in nature itself, but the society in which it grows and is brought up even more influences the formation of a person. The issue of relationships in the family is of concern to everyone, as evidenced by the popularity of this topic in both mass literature and in medical psychotherapy. Misunderstanding of a woman’s man and his wrong treatment with her, on the one hand, and the unreasonable behavior of a woman in love, on the other, undermine the foundations of a successful marriage. The text of Yuri Azarov is devoted to the problem of relations in the family.
The author discusses the unique nature of a woman, her special character, which manifests itself in her childhood and subsequently forms the real keeper of the family hearth, capable of everything for the sake of the home and loved ones: “human tenderness unites in a woman with a moral imperative, with a constant readiness to put everything at stake” . Self-sacrifice
According to Azarov, a man and a woman who are married continue to spiritually enrich each other, such relationships
I fully agree with the position of the author. The woman and the man are at different poles, and it is sometimes impossible to understand each other, but there are certain axioms of behavior based on inner feelings and morals, following which we can easily resolve any problems in the relationship, and perhaps they will not arise at all. So, in Russian literature, the problem of relations between a man and a woman has been repeatedly touched upon. For example, in Leo Tolstoy’s novel-epic “War and Peace”, “family thought” occupies a huge place. The writer describes two prosperous families – the Rostovs and Bolkonskie, the first of whom obeys the voice of feelings, and the second follows the laws of reason, but the members of both families are bound by strong ties, because their relations are built on nobility, kindness and a sense of moral duty.
the support of their family.
Another example of morality as a key factor in strong family relationships can serve as a novel in the poems “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Pushkin, in which the author creates an image of a truly Russian woman, girlish dreamy and simple, but possessing an unshakable
morality and fidelity to their principles. Falling in love with Onegin and receiving refusal, she after a while becomes the wife of a respected general, but feelings for the nobleman do not disappear. However, when Onegin sees her in St. Petersburg and realizes that he is in love, Tatiana refuses him. This act is a manifestation of her high moral qualities, a sense of duty and responsibility to other people. She can not betray her husband, bring him grief, because he trusts her, and they are a strong family. In the image of Tatiana, Pushkin brought out the unbelievably integral and strong-willed character of a Russian woman.
So, the work of Yuri Azarov teaches us that in relations in the family, understanding between a man and a woman, based on moral, ethical and cultural principles, occupies an important place.