Each person builds his own life and determines his fate. What fate did they choose for themselves Larra and Danko, heroes of the story of M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil”? These two heroes are very different from each other, and their fate was determined in different ways. Larra was born far from people. His father was an eagle – the king of birds, and Larra considered himself king over the whole world. “He was clever, fraudulent, strong, cruel and did not meet people face to face.” Larra was very handsome in appearance, he did not have positive character traits, there was no soul. When he came to the tribe, people were ready to accept him, but Larra did not want it, “his eyes were cold and proud, like the king of birds,” and people saw it. Larra stood “alone against all”. He talked to the tribal elders as if they were slaves. He did not respect anyone, not even his mother, was cruel and cold-blooded. And there was fear in everyone, when Larra killed a girl just because she did not want to become his property. This contradicted his motto: “I want, and I must have it, giving nothing in return.” So, turning away from people, despising them, Larra himself determined his fate: he was left alone. His name means: “outcast”, “thrown out”. People also turned away from the one who considers himself first on earth, and realized that punishment to him is in him. Larra himself condemned to eternal solitude, even death did not smile at him. Larra did not want to live by the laws of people, obey someone, to answer for their actions. He wanted to be a free bird and became her. He chose his path among loneliness, and life without meaning, without purpose is not worthy of imitation, one can not set it as an example. What did Larra leave to people? Unfavorable fame About him laid down a legend, where he made a negative hero. Such a life for anybody should not become an ideal. And the author says that a person outside of society and without people will never find happiness. The worst punishment is loneliness. The conflict between arrogant and arrogant man, individualist and people, was decided not in favor of Larry. He was punished. To be a shadow forever is the only thing he deserves. The author of the legend of Larre calls for humanity, kindness, love for people. And I want to believe that in my life I will meet a few people like Larra. They are really few, how little and selfless, ready to give life to save others, which was Danko. Danko is a hero who loved people and believed in them. When the hard times came, previously merry, strong and courageous people despaired, lost strength and faith, fire in the soul. But Danko gave them hope. For his courage and heroism, the tribe did not hesitate to choose Danko as the leader of the campaign, which promised to be difficult. And he led these people through forests and swamps, darkness and darkness. He was the only person in the tribe who dared to lead the rest, not knowing what was ahead of them. It was just that he could no longer look at the deaths of fear-stricken people. Gradually, people got tired in the campaign, faith in the courage of Danko, in salvation began to fade, and they became angry with him. But Danko regretted them, and this pity lit his heart. The whole forest lit up the light, “Danko’s heart, torn from the breast,” burned brighter than the sun. ” “The torch of great love for people” illuminated their path. And this was done by a man from their tribe, the main thing in the life of which was service to people. The desire to make people happy, love for them, determined the fate of Danko. He will always remain in the memory of people, because such a feat can not be forgotten. Unlike Larry, Danko did not care about his life, but about the life of his tribe. Now we see how Larra and Danko have determined their fate. Danko lived for the sake of people, “not asking them for anything in reward to themselves.” Larra lived for himself, not giving people anything, but demanding a lot from them. Both Larra and Danko became heroes of beautiful legends. But only the fate of Danko is worthy of imitation. Yes, there are few such people, but they are. And I believe that it is Danko’s life, his destiny – that ideal, to which one should strive.
Everyone’s own destiny