“Divine Comedy” Dante Alighieri as a monument to the beloved, the power of love

“Divine Comedy” Dante Alighieri, of course, is a monument to the beloved and the power of love, since almost all of his works Dante dedicated to the girl, who was unrequitedly in love. Beatrice Portinari he saw several times, but she became for him not only an ideal, but also something sublime, before which he bowed.

The meaning of the “Divine Comedy” is very multifaceted: it is a glorification of love for Beatrice, a kind of call for a reorganization of the world, a desire to warn people from committing sins and further torment in Hell. Assuming that the “Divine Comedy” is not fiction, is it justified “longing for all with no hope” of unbaptized infants, the torment of suicides, who even during their lifetime suffered enough if they left voluntarily. But the deepest sympathy is the story of Frances in the fifth song of “Hell”. People found each other, found their happiness, but they are destined to die and be in Hell. But love is stronger than hell torment, since nothing can destroy true feelings: “There is no greater torment than a happy time to remember in adversity…”. Paolo and Francesca became the same symbol of high, victorious death of love, like Romeo and Juliet. Dante’s compassion for them is so great that he “fell unconscious as a dead man falls.”

Before entering Hell, Dante is confused and confused, but the confidence in further actions is given to him by Virgil and Beatrice, sent by Madonna. Hence, at that time the support for Dante was not only a man of art, but also love. Above all dominates the theme of the fate of Dante. Secrets, forbidden to other people, were revealed to him; Beatrice, whom he loved, is transformed into the wisdom that reigns in Paradise. He himself judges humanity, not hiding his relationship and feelings.

The main theme of almost all literary works was love. The basis of the “Divine Comedy” is the idea of ​​the unity of people, their mutual love. Dante’s comedy is probably the only monument of poetry in which the image of its author, his greatest love, is so imprinted.

“Divine Comedy” is a call not only for the reorganization of life, but also a call not to be afraid of such spiritual feelings in relation to other people, like the love of Dante and Beatrice:

If I flare up love with a burning
Over the measure of what is good for the earth,
And look yours before the power of the slender,
Do not be surprised: this only
strengthens the power of sight, so that frankly
To the open blessings of higher things to rush.

Descriptions of the visions of the afterlife were widely spread in medieval literature. For his space poem, Dante chose a familiar story for everyone, but the otherworldly world visited by him is not similar to what his predecessors saw. And with them it does not count. Before him only two were given to enter the eternal realm: they were Aeneas and the Apostle Paul. He, the third, was awarded this extraordinary honor. And he, Dante Alighieri, having visited invisible kingdoms, takes out his tablets, on which the crimes of humanity are exposed and the way to salvation is indicated. “Divine comedy” Dante Alighieri is called “Divine book” not because it was called by the poet. The epithet “Divine” comes from his enthusiastic admirers, readers of the next generation after him.

Comedy consists of three parts: “Hell”, “Purgatory” and “Paradise”. From bad to good. Of all the parts of the “Comedy” the greatest fame and love acquired “Hell.” And the least – “Paradise”. Dante himself warned most of those who read “Hell” and “Purgatory”: “Do not read” Paradise “! You will disappear in the boundless sea of ​​the incomprehensible…”. It is explainable. In “Comedy” the other world does not obscure the earthly. So, this feature is most evident in the first part. In the underworld, the “connection with life” is much stronger than in Purgatory and even more so for Paradise. The prisoners of Hell do not care about theological questions. Their thoughts – about the earth with its human concerns and passions, about what memory of themselves they left on it. For the moral, mental anguish is hardly more terrible than the fiery rain that scorches them. In hell, the supreme expediency of the world order and the justice of the inevitable retribution are comprehended.

Divine and the syllable of comedy. About the highest, the most intelligent, the most intimate – writing about everything in his native language, catching his system and spirit in the raw discord of local dialects, was not easy, demanding an extraordinary creative courage, a subtle flair. Subsequently, the Italian language will be especially praised for its inherent gentle and sweet euphony. All this was able to unite Dante Alighieri in his truly “Divine Comedy”.



