The culture of speech can be considered the most important indicator of culture in general. Therefore, there are no limits to the perfection of speech and manners. It is not enough to learn to avoid speech mistakes, you have to constantly expand your vocabulary, be able to hear your opponent, understand him, respect his opinion, master the skill of correctly choosing words for each situation.
Culture of communication
By the kind of speech a person has. one can judge the character of a person. The common manner of communication creates a certain impression of us. Well, if it is attractive. But speech can and push away the interlocutor. Therefore, the concept of a culture of communication is more multifaceted than just beautiful speech. This includes the ability to listen and respect the rules of etiquette.
Listening skills
Often, being carried away by conversation, we forget about good manners. We hasten to impose our understanding of the issue, do not delve into the arguments of our counterpart, do not hear, do not follow our words.
The rules of etiquette is strictly prohibited to pressure the interlocutor. And to impose your opinion is not only ugly, but also has no effect. Most likely, your partner will start defending himself, and the conversation will not work.
And if you do not listen to the interlocutor and interrupt all the time, this indicates a disrespect to his personality, the lack of an elementary culture. A good interlocutor shows sincere attention to the speaker, respects someone else’s opinion, listens attentively. This skill can be earned and become a pleasant, highly cultured personality, which is well accepted in any society.
It can happen the other way round – when you are not listened to and interrupted, they impose their opinion. Then start a conversation with the prevalent cliche “Do not you think that…”.
If a dispute ensued and you were wrong, then as a cultured person, admit your mistake, not leading the dispute to the conflict.
Speech Culture
Many people think that speech is just thoughts expressed in words. In fact, speech and related etiquette are a complex tool that helps to establish communication, establish contact (especially in business circles), increase the productivity of the conversation, attract a mass audience to the party during the public speech.
The culture of speech is directly related to the behavior of the speaker. The choice of words and the manner of speaking set the interlocutor on the right way and build our behavior. It happens that you need to follow every word you say and weigh it before saying it.
In business circles, the interlocutor’s speech will be judged not only by himself, but also by the company he represents. Therefore, speech etiquette in such situations either will help to make a career, or destroy it.
Public speech – the rules:
Prepare in advance a plan for your speech and sketch out your abstracts.
Avoid the instructive tone.
Speak emotionally, but not too much. Speech should be simple, literate, with the right intonation.
Use the data of comparative statistics – you will be more convincing.
Do not use hackneyed cliches – this lulls the audience.
End the speech by re-focusing on the problem you voiced at the beginning – this will make your speech very effective.
Tips on the culture of speech:
Be as brief as possible, so as not to confuse the interlocutor with superfluous words. Speak accurately, clearly and briefly.
Even before the conversation begins, decide – for what purpose do you enter into a conversation.
Be diverse in your speech, telling the same story to different people, taking into account the approach to them. That’s where the extended vocabulary is needed! This helps to understand and establish contacts, to find a common language in different people.
Rudeness is better ignored than answering it. A cultured person will not humiliate himself before responding in the same rough manner, he will not sink to the level of the interlocutor. When deliberately do not answer the question – is also considered a violation of speech etiquette.
Self-control and self-control are very necessary in conversation and in public speaking, so that emotions do not get out of control, do not dominate the mind.
The culture of speech has nothing to do with obscene language.
If it is difficult for you to find a common language with an interlocutor, try not to adopt his manner, keep your positive speech habits. People who imitate the opponent’s speech lose their individuality.
Culture of speech communication. A culture of speech