Composition “The Golden Age of Childhood”

Therefore, many Russian writers chose children as their main characters, their psychology and behavior. For example, Bunin depicts in his story “Figures” the childhood of the most innocent and cleanest pores in life. His hero is little Zhenechka, being the embodiment of naivety and spontaneity, with childlike gullibility and curiosity reaching out to all manifestations of life. He loves his family and has great respect for the uncle who came from Moscow.

The writer pays attention to the fact that the child is dependent on adults, anyone can offend him or humiliate him. However, there is nothing worse than this, because a small person has a good heart, and the pain can remain with him for life.

LN Tolstoy’s autobiographical novel “Childhood” tells of the life of Nikolenka Irtenev. He grows up, learns valuable lessons in life, hates and loves. The hero is surrounded by love and care of loved ones (mamma, nanny and tutor). They raise the boy kind and not indifferent to other people’s misfortunes. Life of Nikolenka consists of lessons, games with friends and communication with her beloved mother. But as he grows up, life changes take place. The boy goes to Moscow, where he has new friends. He is separated and loses his mother.

Nicholas, like any man, makes mistakes, but he tries to correct them and draws conclusions. For example, the hero is in vain resentful to the nanny Natalia Savishna, unfair to the good tutor Karl Ivanovich, comes up with a dream about the death of her mother. Together with his friends, he taunts the weak boy, although he does not enjoy it. The main thing is that every shameful episode becomes a lesson for Nikolenka, he understands what was wrong.

Alyosha Peshkov from “Childhood” Gorky remembers his childhood insults and a difficult childhood. The death of his father brought the boy a lot of adversity, which he had to experience in his grandfather’s house. He endured injustice and beatings, watched the hostility of the uncles, begged and starved. Lyubov Alyosha received only from his grandmother.

She taught the boy to be fair, kind and loving people. It was thanks to his grandmother that the boy recognized God – not like the Kashirins, spiteful and stern, but loving and kind. The old woman explained life to Alyosha, she told him everything that happens around her. Childhood of the hero ended with the death of my grandmother.

Tolstoy, Bunin and Gorky describe childhood in their works as the most important time of life. It is at this time that the worldview of the individual is laid and formed. Whatever it was, childhood with confidence can be called the golden age of life, because it is filled with light, daily discoveries and integrity of the soul.



