A. Ostrovsky in his work “Thunderstorm” wrote that at any time, any century in society there will be many problems and their actuality they will not lose even after many years. In the play “Thunderstorm” we see many heroes. who possess qualities that are often present in modern society. Remember Boris, who was respectful with the “swearman” Wild; Tikhon, who in all listened to his mother and submissively obeyed her; Kudryash and Varvara, who so cleverly managed to deceive all for the good of themselves. It’s sad to realize, but many people in modern society have the same qualities as the above heroes. Selfishness, adaptability, moral weakness and spiritual poverty are all the eternal problems of mankind. Ostrovsky writes that every person should be the master of his destiny.
You can not obey and have no opinion of your own, like Tikhon. All people should live “their minds” and themselves solve the life difficulties that have arisen. All of us must have the will and not be afraid of “being eaten and alive swallowed”. Unfortunately, very often today there are people with such qualities as selfishness, weak character, fear of someone, life in submission. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin in his work “The Lord of Holovlev” also raised the problem of human relationships. The works of M. Saltykov-Shchedrin teach us to overcome life’s difficulties and avoid negative impact. Judas from the novel “Lord Golovleva” had a habit to talk in vain and became a victim of his idle talk, for which he concealed indifference to the fate of the family. But in the end we see that people,
Everything that they once did is bad, it returns to them. Vladimir Mayakovsky in the play “Bath” touched on the topic of human relationships. The Hero of the Victory Bearers is a typical representative of a bureaucrat, limited in interests and hobbies. Many writers of the twentieth century touched upon this theme in their works. Useless drones, living only at the behest of their desires, concerned only with their problems and the way they look in the eyes of others, unfortunately, meet now. Such people, as a rule, do not find true happiness and live their life alone. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his story “The Man in a Case” shows us a typical representative of a society of egoists. The main problem Belikov – the hero of the story, was “as if nothing happened.”
Constantly worn umbrella, hypertrophied and cautious, suspicious and unable to enjoy life, Belikov never knew all the joys of life. People should be attentive to each other, treat with sensitivity, respect and attention. Each of us should be able to appreciate the beauty of nature, life and close people. After all, the problem of mutual relations is becoming more acute in modern society and it is necessary to fight it.
Composition on the topic of mutual understanding