Composition on the theme Summer

I really love summer time. It’s a vacation time, and I have a lot of free time. But I love summer not only for this freedom. Summer is a wonderful time for warm weather.

In the summer, you do not need to dress warmly every time before going out. It is enough to put on “flip-flops” – and go! You can walk in the open air all day and not be afraid to freeze.

In summer, you generally feel free, because there are many opportunities to spend your free time. You can climb trees, play ball, roller skate, skateboard, bike. And the weather can not stop, except that the rain will go. But soon the land will dry up anyway, the sunny weather will return!

Summer is the only time of the year when you can sunbathe and swim. And I really love to do it. Therefore, I adore summer!

Another summer is good because it’s getting dark late in the street. You can spend a lot of time on the street, not that in winter. And summer evenings are so bright! In our city in the open air various holidays, concerts, games and open-air walks are held. But even without this, every summer evening seems to me a holiday.

In the summer, a lot of delicious fruit ripens on the trees, and therefore they are cheap in the market. You can eat them and do not deny yourself anything. Summer is a generous time of the year. Nature in summer gives people their fruits.



