Composition on the theme of the native language

Look around and you will see many fascinating things created by the mind and hands of man: radio, telephone, cars, ships, airplanes, missiles. But the most surprising and wise that mankind has created is language. All people on earth are able to speak. They speak different languages, but all languages ​​have one task: to help people, to understand each other in communication, in common work.

We recognize the Turkish language,

Italian, Danish, Swedish,

And the Japanese recognize,

And English, and French,

But in the native land in Russian

We write, we think, we sing.

We then just breathe freely,

If we hear our native language,

Speech in Russian.

This “Byl for Children” was told by S. Mikhalkov. Byl about our native language. And was it? Rather – reality!

Our native Russian language is one of the most developed and rich languages ​​of the world. This is the national language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation and the language of interethnic communication. Without language, the life of man and society as a whole, the development of science, technology, and art are impossible. The great meaning of the language is noted by Russian proverbs and sayings: “Without a tongue and a bell in it”, “The tongue of a lace weaves,” “The tongue is a banner: the squads are driving.”

The richness and expressiveness of the native language, its great role in the history of civilization were noted by writers and poets, scientists and cultural figures. The classic of French literature, Prosper Merimee, who learned the Russian language, noted: “The rich, sonorous, vibrant accent and infinitely diverse in onomatopoeic images, capable of conveying the most subtle nuances, endowed with a nearly infinite creative thought, like the Greek, Russian language seems to us created for poetry. “

Are we wondering about what a wonderful heritage – the Russian language – got to us from the past centuries? What a long way of development was our language. starting from wall paintings and ending with the alphabet? How many people worked on his improvement, until he became what he came to us?

We reflect. And we understand that our language is worthy of love and careful study. We are proud of his striking resilience: he survived the years of distemper and ruin. We admire its amazing beauty, when we read poems and prose.

I now recall the poem by A. Yashin:

I love my native language!

It is understandable for everyone.

He, like the Russian people, has many faces,

As our power, mighty.

Prove that our language is melodious and melodic, not at all difficult. One should only read the poem of Alexander Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, or sing a folk song. And then no proof is needed.

All the uniqueness of the Russian language, its richness and expressiveness is also noted by my whole family. My family is Russian. Both I and my parents were born and grew up in our small village of Khromtsovo, Furmanovsky district, Ivanovo region. All members of my today’s family were raised on Russian fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, in kind and light Russian films. With what love and warmth they speak of them, clever and kind. Sharp and instructive.

And the roots of my family go far from these places. My grandmother Sonia was born during the Great Patriotic War in distant Mordovia, and by nationality she is a mordovka. In the places where she lived, they speak a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian. The basis of the speech is Russian, but some words are borrowed from the Ukrainian language. Up to 15 years she lived in her homeland and spoke her own language. And then, having moved to central Russia, she mastered a new adverb for her. And Russian became her native language. She knew a lot of fairy tales, songs, epic Russian people, who told and sang to us, her grandchildren.

My great-grandfather fought at the front during the Great Patriotic War. I did not see him, of course, but I know about him from my grandmother’s stories. He studied in school only 3 classes, much did not have time to learn and learn. I learned only to write and count, but most of all I liked reading. I read everything that fell into his hands, the books “swallow” one by one. What surprisingly interesting letters he wrote to his wife from the front. Through the lines and words penetrated all the feelings he experienced6 and fear, and pain, and sadness, and pride. Reading them, you are even more convinced of the wealth and power of the Russian language.

More favorable was the fate of my parents, their brothers and sisters. All of them grew up in peacetime, received a good education. They had the opportunity to study in the ordinary, and in the music, and art schools. Maybe that’s why they grew up to be creative people: they sing and dance well, they can draw well, they know the history of Russian painting and music. One of my mother’s hobbies is a Russian folk song. She knows them a lot, sings very emotionally and emotionally. My mother is an active participant in all public holidays and festivities held in our village, their organizer and inspirer. With its help, we, children, immerse ourselves in the world of folk tales, better knowing the past of our country, our language. Thanks to her, and I realized that the Russian language is not only a complex set of grammatical rules, but also a beautiful song,

All my relatives never tire of repeating to me and to my little sister-first-class: “The Russian language is the language of Russian literature.” He teaches us a lot, so you need to know him well, skillfully use his wealth in spoken and written speech, and cherish it. “

Of course, I understand that I do not know much else. I’m still just learning to use his wealth, and I do not always get it. I remember how in the 5th grade I wrote the essay “Walking into the Forest”. I was sorely lacking words, my head was spinning alone, went out, came… It did not work, even cry. My mother read me a description of nature from the story of IS Turgenev. That’s how rich the masters of the word have! And we have something to learn from them. According to scientists, our language has hundreds of thousands of words – an unlimited ocean. I realized that we should try to learn them as much as possible and learn how to use them. And then for us many secrets of the native language will open.

The Russian language is constantly changing, growing with us, and, therefore, with me. And the way it will become in the future depends on us. I want to believe that he will be right, rich and accurate, that he will be pure and kind. Then people will become kinder.

Composition on the theme of the native language