Composition on the theme of autumn is my favorite season

There is no bad weather. Spring replaces spring, spring follows summer, and autumn is around the corner. And these four seasons never get mixed up. Each season has its own distinctive features, which we immediately recognize as autumn, spring, summer or winter.

My favorite autumn essay In general, I love spring, but I also like autumn very much. For the first time this time of the year makes itself felt when I am on the first of September rushing to school with a backpack behind my shoulders. I want to look at my grown-up classmates and see my favorite teachers. Yesterday with my mother we meticulously chose a bouquet of garden flowers. It contains not only flowers, but also various beautiful plants, colorful leaves and a few berries. I’m ambivalent, on the one hand I can not sleep late, I can go out with the guys until late at night, and on the other, I really miss the lessons, I like to learn something new every day. I even missed school on summer vacation. The truth is quite a bit.

Early autumn the air is fresh and filled with various flavors, especially in the city park or in the forest. I love the forest at this time of year. The trees are frozen in anticipation of the winter, the sun is shining and still warm, but it still gives the impression of the coming cold and snow. Around are slightly withered fields and forests. The birds are singing cheerfully. Through the tree-crowns streams of sunlight break through, which playful bunnies tremble on the ground. It’s worth looking around, as you notice the majestic swirling of orange, yellow and crimson leaves. They slowly descend to their brethren, who cover the whole earth with a thick layer. Sometimes I have a desire to dig in them deeper, to breathe in the smell of autumn smell. When you see how beautiful the forest is at this time, it would be desirable to stop the moment involuntarily, so that autumn will always be with me. Unintentionally, the lines of poetry “Dull time, eyes of charm” come to mind. Autumn without “Indian summer” is not autumn. Stunning paintings sometimes draw nature in these short days. In general, I love Pushkin, he wrote about autumn really with knowledge. Once, my parents and I went to his museum-preserve in the village of Boldino. It was there that he was engaged in his work. As a rule, in autumn many people aspire to visit here. In this place, I feel a tremendous mysterious atmosphere, as if now from around the corner will appear Pushkin himself in a frock coat and with a cane that will politely bow out to all. Once, my parents and I went to his museum-preserve in the village of Boldino. It was there that he was engaged in his work. As a rule, in autumn many people aspire to visit here. In this place, I feel a tremendous mysterious atmosphere, as if now from around the corner will appear Pushkin himself in a frock coat and with a cane that will politely bow out to all. Once, my parents and I went to his museum-preserve in the village of Boldino. It was there that he was engaged in his work. As a rule, in autumn many people aspire to visit here. In this place, I feel a tremendous mysterious atmosphere, as if now from around the corner will appear Pushkin himself in a frock coat and with a cane that will politely bow out to all.

When I walk along the avenues of the park, I see a lot of novice artists frozen near their easels. This time makes many leave their cozy homes and rush to nature to capture it in its original form. I can not draw, but I have a camera. I’m looking for interesting landscapes and taking photos to later boast at home in front of my parents. I also like to collect cones and fallen leaves. I’ll put them between the pages of the book and make a beautiful herbarium.

Autumn is a mushroom time. I like not only to collect them, but also to eat. Many do not understand what excitement is caused by a small glade completely covered with honey agarics. And how much pleasure you experience when on a cold winter evenings my mother puts a full plate of mushrooms for dinner.

After the “Indian summer” the weather finally deteriorates and endless streams of water fall from the sky day after day. Everything is gray and gloomy around, and only the flickering of colorful umbrellas in the hands of passers-by slightly raises the mood. Looking out of the window, I get the feeling that before the snow falls to the ground, nature tries to clean up the earth. The first snow, as always, falls unexpectedly. Usually in the morning coming to the window you notice how everything around was painted white. I do not like the coming winter, and I like autumn with my colors and smells, bird flocks that rush to the south. In the autumn a lot of wonderful and magical.

Composition on the theme of autumn is my favorite season