Every year we are farther and farther away from the war. But time has no power over what people experienced during the war. It was a very difficult time. The Soviet soldier was able to face the deadly danger in his eyes. His will, his blood, won a victory over a strong enemy. There is no limit to the greatness of his feat for the sake of the Motherland, as there is no limit to the greatness of the labor exploit of the Soviet people.
“Everything for the front, everything for victory!” – this slogan became the main one from the first days of the war for people who replaced workers who went to the front. Women and adolescents became the main force on the labor front. My fellow countrymen-the Volzhans did a lot to defeat fascist Germany. From the west of the country, many military factories were evacuated to Kuibyshev. Kuibyshev has become an important industrial center. I read a lot of stories about how the boys of military time stood idle for the machines for twelve to fourteen hours so that their fathers and brothers would soon return from the front.
On the front worked young people in the countryside. After all, for the soldiers and for the workers needed bread. Schoolchildren helped adults grow and harvest. They weeded crops, mowed the hay, cleaned the vegetables. In the field of steel, women’s tractor brigades are being created. My grandmother, Timiryazanskaya Maria Ivanovna, worked in the women’s tractor brigade of Galina Lazareva. It was the first women’s tractor brigade, created in the Stavropol region during the war. Grandmother graduated from the school of machine operators, worked as a steering wheel on a combine, and then as a tractor driver at the Universal. It was necessary to work from dark to dark. In the autumn and winter, it was necessary to repair equipment. The premises were cold. Grandmother told me that even my feet were crawling to my boots. But it was necessary to work, because people died on the front. Unfortunately, my grandmother died early,
For decades, we have been separated from the harsh days of the war. The generation who has borne a heavy burden of war is leaving. But the people’s memory will preserve both the undying sublimity, unheard of suffering, and the unshakable faith of people.
I hate evil. I always hurt when people are hurt. That’s why I’m very concerned about the problem of humanism, love for people. But in this review I want to talk about the humanity of a special kind, during the war. I am amazed that the Soviet people remained people, preserved a sensitive soul. But this is so difficult, seeing around death and violence, not to harden, not to become the most cruel. The war, for example, taught many people to feel the pain and suffering of man even more sharply.
In my review, I will focus on three stories: “A Dawn Is Here Quiet.” B. Vasilieva, “Obelisk” by Vasily Bykov and “The Land of the Heights” by G. Baklanov. All these are venerable, well-known writers. But, of course, deeply original. These little things attracted my attention by the fact that the authors took a new look at the theme of humanism. Writers keep the reader in constant tension, telling about the fate of simple, inconspicuous people, revealing their sensitive soul.
The finished work of humanity, philanthropy in the works of B. Vasiliev occupies a central place. In the story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.” Tells about Sergeant Vaskov and his subordinate anti-aircraft gunners. Five of them, led by the sergeant-major, were instructed to detain enemy saboteurs. In the battle, the girls perish. Hatred of the enemies, the desire to avenge their combat friends help Vaska win. In this struggle, he was guided by that sense of humanity that forces him to fight evil. After all, the fascists crossed the laws of man and thus found themselves outside of all laws. And the fact that they forced women to fight, mothers of the present and future, in which the nature of hatred for murder is laid down, Vaskov also entered into the line to the Germans. It is hard for the foreman to kill the girls. His whole human soul can not reconcile with this. He thinks that they will be asked, the soldier, after the war: “Why did not you, men, protect our mothers from the bullets? Did they get married with death?” Also does not find the answer. Vaska’s heart aches for putting all five girls. And in the grief of this uneducated soldier is the highest human humanism. And the reader feels the writer’s hatred for war and pain for something else that few people have written about, for interrupted strings of human genera. This is very strong. about which few people wrote, for interrupted strings of human genera. This is very strong. about which few people wrote, for interrupted strings of human genera. This is very strong.