Composition on the text of Iskander

Conscience. What is this important, significant concept and human quality. What is conscience? What is it for? And what role does it play in modern society? In one of the explanatory dictionaries it is written: “Conscience is a person’s ability to formulate his own moral obligations independently and to realize moral self-control.” From the very childhood we want to act conscientiously and are ashamed when they say “shameless” for the perfect act. In modern society, unfortunately, conscience is no longer valued as before. The Soviet and Russian prose writer and poet Fazil Abdulovich Iskander in his text discusses precisely this and raises an important, urgent problem of conscience. He tells us how in the modern society such an important concept as conscience has depreciated. At all times, unscrupulous people have had greater success, than people who have a conscience. Since a man without conscience has nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be ashamed of, he is capable of terrible acts, because of which he quickly gets his popularity and success. But in fact, at all times there is a wisdom that “good always overcomes evil”, that only a conscientious person is able to gain real happiness. So it is, just to understand this can only with time. The fact that a person received quickly, unscrupulously, quickly leaves him. just to understand it can only with time. The fact that a person received quickly, unscrupulously, quickly leaves him. just to understand it can only with time. The fact that a person received quickly, unscrupulously, quickly leaves him.
The author’s position is clear to me, F. Iskander is convinced that every person should have a conscience, regardless of his social and financial situation.
I fully agree with the position of the author and believe that conscience should be an inalienable quality of every person. After all, only with its help a person recognizes his mistakes, makes the right choice and comes to the right decision.
The problem of conscience is well covered in the literature. Let us recall the family of the Kuragins from Leo Tolstoy’s epic novel War and Peace. Possessing a thirst for profit, Vasily Kuragin and his children Helen and Anatole went to terrible deeds for the sake of achieving their goals. And they reached them and rejoiced at their victories. But in the end we see how cruelly they were punished: Helen died of illness, Anatole died in a military hospital, and their father Vasily went mad. We see how cruelly the heroes were punished, because they acted shamelessly and the happiness was short-lived, and can we call it happiness?
The main decoration of a person is a clear conscience. “Honor, decency, conscience are qualities that you need to cherish,” wrote D. Likhachev. And we can not disagree with him, for conscience is the most important quality of a man, who, though he is poor and ugly, has a lucky chelochke.
In conclusion, I want to say that a society based on genuine moral values ​​needs such articles as F. Iskander wrote.



