Composition on the picture of Ge “The court of King Solomon”

The plot of the picture is covered with the epic spirit of the biblical story. “Two women came to the king, and said one:” O my lord! I and this woman live in the same house. And we gave birth to her at the same time sons. But her child died. And she arose at night, when I, your slave, slept, and took my son, and laid her dead one by my breast. “Another woman said:” No, my son is alive, and her dead. “And the king ordered to cut of a living child in two and give one half of one and the other half another. “And the woman, whose son was alive, cried out:” Oh, my lord, give her this child alive. “And the other said:” Let there be neither me nor cut it! “Then the king ordered the first living child to be given, for she is the mother.”

The king in the picture of Poussin is motionless, like a statue. The disputing women, on the contrary, are seized with great excitement. But the feelings that overwhelm them are different: in the pose and gesture of one, kneeling before the king and in the pleading of his hand, despair is felt; in the pose of the other – anger, in the movement of her hand, stretched out to the warrior, snatching the sword from her scabbard, almost the order: “Ruby!” The astonishing sight of the king and the gesture of his hands, expressing the tension with which Somon catches the state of things, is in time of decisive decision and cancellation of the verdict.

Composition on the picture of Ge “The court of King Solomon”