In the story of M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil” are contrasted two life philosophy, set out in the legends of Larre and Danko. Two of these heroes are antagonists, and if the image of one is dominated by pride (Larra), then the other is pride (Danko). It is these completely opposite qualities, in Gorky’s opinion, that determine the characters of the characters, their vital position.
So, what is the pride of Larry different from the pride of Danko? The explanatory dictionary gives such definitions to these concepts: “pride – self-esteem, self-esteem”; “pride – inordinate pride, arrogance, excessively high opinion of yourself, arrogance.”
Being infected with pride, Larra considered himself above all others. Let us recall how easily he insults the elders of the tribe, where his mother leads, how thoughtlessly he kills the girl he liked, only because she refused him.
This hero is an egoist who considers himself to be the best. Larra lives for himself and is ready to satisfy his desires for any crime, any immoral act. Yes, he does not understand what morality and morality are, because this young man denies the laws of human society.
Proud, but not struck by the pride of the antipode Larry – Danko. This hero pride helps to strive for a better life. He feels himself to be a Man and does not want to see his fellow tribesmen worthy of more drag out a miserable existence. Pride pushes Danko to the feat – he takes his fellow tribesmen out of the dark forest. It is this quality that helps the hero to sacrifice his life for others – he is happy to die in the name of a better life for people.
Thus, in his story “Old Woman Izergil” Gorky differentiates and contrasts the notions of “pride” and “pride.” And if the first quality, in his opinion, is an undoubted human dignity, because it helps him to build life, then pride is an undeniable evil, turning a person into a soulless egoist, uselessly spending his life on false self-conceit.
I agree with Gorky in his interpretation of pride and pride. Pride speaks of respecting a person for himself, pride is often the opposite. Pride helps a person to survive in difficult conditions and to save themselves, and pride only destroys, devastates, isolates from people.
Composition of pride