Composition “Love and protect nature”

Everything that surrounds us: forests, fields, rivers, seas and mountains, plants and animals, the whole flora and fauna serves people. It gives everything it produces: from oxygen, berries and mushrooms, wood, fur and a lot of everything for which humanity should thank nature. We must love and protect her.

Mankind, for many millennia, often interfered and violated many natural processes. She forgave and understood us as unreasonable children. We not only did not understand our mistakes, but with each year we add their number. Rivers are melting and forests are burning, populations of animals and birds are dying out, whole varieties of plants are disappearing. But, people do not understand that we need to stop, think and start saving the natural environment. Protect it from our greed and negligence.

To love and try to save every blade of grass and sheink, for the benefit of our future and prosperity, and not the extinction of our descendants. Protect valleys and lakes, oceans and valleys, stars and rain. Love, everyone, even the smallest spider, and a large whale. Perhaps we will some day realize that if we do not take care of all this, with love, take care of it, it will not become them, and then us. So we need to take care and attention to the world around us.



