Composition Kuprin “Duel”

The story of AI Kuprin was published in May 1905. The author continued the description of the army life in it. From the sketches of the life of the out-of-the-way garrison, a social generalization of the decomposition of not only the army, but also the country as a whole, the state system, is growing.

This is a story about the crisis that has engulfed various spheres of Russian life. The universal hatred that corrodes the army is a reflection of the hostility that engulfed tsarist Russia.

In “Duel”, as in none of his other works, Kuprin with great artistic power depicted the moral corruption of the officers, showed stupid commanders, devoid of any glimpses of civil service. Showed the beleaguered, intimidated soldiers who were stupefied with senseless drill, such as the frail left-flank soldier Khlebnikov. Humane officers, if they met, they were subjected to ridicule, senselessly perished as Lieutenant Romashov, or they drank like Nazanskiy.

Kuprin made his hero a humane, but weak and quiet man who does not fight evil, but suffers from it. Even the name of the hero – Romashov – and she stressed the softness, nezlobivost this person.

Kuprin draws Georgy Romashov with sympathy and sympathy, but with authorial irony. The history of Romashov, outwardly connected with the army, is not just the story of a young officer. This is the story of a young man who is going through what Kuprin calls “the period of maturation of the soul.” Romashov grows morally during the story, finds answers to very important questions for himself, and suddenly comes to the conclusion that the army is useless, but he understands this very naively. It seems to him that it is worthwhile for all mankind to say “I do not want!” – and the war will become unthinkable and the army will wither away.

Second Lieutenant Romashov decides to break with others, he understands that every soldier has his “I”. He planned for himself a completely new connection with the world. The title of the story has the same generalizing solution as its main conflict. During the story there is a duel between a young man, reborn for a new one, and a diverse force of the old. Kuprin does not write about a duel of honor, but about killing in a duel.

The final treacherous blow was dealt Romashov in love. Disregard for the weak, hatred for the feeling of pity, which sounded in the speeches of Nazanskiy, is practiced in practice by Shurochka. Despising the environment and its morality, Shurochka Nikolaeva is an integral part of it. Symbolically ends the storyline of the story: against a man who began to spread his wings, the old world throws all his strength.

In the summer and autumn of 1905, Kuprin’s story stirred readers in the Russian army and throughout the country, very soon there were translations into the main European languages. To the writer comes not only the widest all-Russian glory, but also the pan-European fame.



