Vishnevsky Vsevolod Vitalievich (1900 – 1951), playwright, prose writer, journalist. Born December 8 (21 N. s.) In St. Petersburg in the family of a surveyor, a large land surveying engineer. From childhood I became acquainted with the publishing business (there were two publishers in the house where I lived, and the printing workers often invited the boy to his place, showing their work). Later, my father wanted to create a journal, doing preparatory work at home. At the age of 12 Vishnevsky already had an idea of publishing, editorial, printing.
He studied at the St. Petersburg Gymnasium, where his favorite subjects were Russian, history, geography. Was the editor of the gymnasium “From under the desk”. Early had taught himself to keep diaries, which later very much helped in his writing life.
During the First World War, at the age of fourteen, he “ran away” as a volunteer to the front (at that time the family was on the Riga seashore), entered the boat for the Baltic Fleet. In 1915 – 16 he served in the Guards, as the foreman of intelligence went through the whole war, received three St. George awards and a real life experience.
In 1917 he joined the Bolsheviks, participated in the October uprising in Petrograd. During the Civil War he was a machine-gunner in the First Cavalry Army, then – commander in the Baltic and Black Sea Fleet.
Published in 1920, published a note on the case of life in the newspaper “Red Black Sea Coast”. From this time begins systematic literary work. The first literary performance in Moscow was the publication of a diary of sailing on the ship “Ocean”, where he was a teacher of navigation business. In 1929 he wrote the play “The First Horse”. In 1930, “I got into great literature,” writing on behalf of the party leadership plays “We are from Kronstadt”, “The last decisive”, “Optimistic tragedy” (1933).
In 1939 he was a military correspondent of Pravda on the Finnish front. In 1941 – 42 – a participant in the defense of Leningrad, a military correspondent; Since 1944 he lived in Moscow, served as editor of the magazine “Banner”.
In recent years he worked on the documentary and artistic epic “War”. He died in Moscow on February 28, 1951.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.