(born 9.09.1920)
Shevtsov Ivan Mikhailovich (born 09.09.1920), a Russian writer, grew up in a poor family with many children in a Belarusian village, studied at the Saratov border school, already in less than 20 years – the head of the border posts on the Danube, where he met the war. He fought in intelligence, was wounded. Then he worked in military newspapers, became a writer, printed a lot, although he was accepted as a member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for a defiantly military patriotic line only in 1979. In the novel “The aphids” was first depicted by the Zionist forces operating in our country. The novel “Love and Hatred” (1970) and “Nabat” (1979) exposed the subversive activities of Western special services and the Zionist underground in our country, revealed the parasitism and anti-Russian character of the cosmopolitan intelligentsia and its patrons in the CPSU Central Committee. Under the transparent masks of the characters, large political puppets and those who controlled them were guessed (Suslov, Ehrenburg, Ajubey). It was understood by everyone who was supposed to be, Shevtsov was hated, but they were afraid to touch. In the press he was hardly spoken, but his glory was great. Shevtsov’s sharp judicial essays in the journal “The Man and the Law” had to be printed under the pseudonym “Ivanov”, otherwise they were not allowed to censor. Shevtsov’s novels are by no means always impeccable in literary terms, but their patriotic passion and frankness overlap aesthetic flaws. Fruitfully works to this day, paying much attention to the image of JV Stalin, whose loyal soldier was always. but his glory was great. Shevtsov’s sharp judicial essays in the journal “The Man and the Law” had to be printed under the pseudonym “Ivanov”, otherwise they were not allowed to censor. Shevtsov’s novels are by no means always impeccable in literary terms, but their patriotic passion and frankness overlap aesthetic flaws. Fruitfully works to this day, paying much attention to the image of JV Stalin, whose loyal soldier was always. but his glory was great. Shevtsov’s sharp judicial essays in the journal “The Man and the Law” had to be printed under the pseudonym “Ivanov”, otherwise they were not allowed to censor. Shevtsov’s novels are by no means always impeccable in literary terms, but their patriotic passion and frankness overlap aesthetic flaws. Fruitfully works to this day, paying much attention to the image of JV Stalin, whose loyal soldier was always.
Biography Shevtsov Ivan Mikhailovich