Prince William – the eldest child of Princess Diana and Prince Charles of Wales, is the first in the line of inheritance of the throne after his father.
Early years
The eldest son of Diane and Charles, the princess and the Prince of Wales, Prince William, the nee-Prince William Arthur Philippe Louis Windsor, was born on June 21, 1982 in London, UK. He wears the official title “His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales”.
As a child William visited the kindergarten of Mrs. Minor in West London, the Wetherby school in Kensington and the Ludgroff school in Wokingham. In 1995, at the insistence of his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William went to Eaton College, one of the most prestigious high schools in the United Kingdom. A diligent student and excellent student, Prince William is fond of sports, with special zeal on swimming. As well as father and brother, the prince is fond of active sports, including horse riding, skiing, hunting and fishing.
Direct heir to the British throne after his father Charles, William spent a lot of time in Windsor Castle in the company of Queen Elizabeth, showing a keen interest in his upbringing and career achievements.
The divorce of parents in 1996 and the tragic death of his mother that followed him in 1997 had a strong impact on the teenager, and the beautiful, handsome William publicly shows his dislike for the press and is uncomfortable with the increasing attention of the young girls in love with him. William gives the impression of a well-bred, responsible and reserved young man with a developed sense of duty and loyalty to the royal family and full awareness of the role of the King of England.
Military service and charity
After Eton’s end, William makes a break in his studies and travels to South America and Africa. After that, he goes to St. Andrews University in Scotland, which in 2005 ends with a diploma in geography. Following the example of his younger brother, Prince Harry, William becomes a cadet at the Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, from which, in December 2006, he was released as a junior lieutenant in the Royal Horse Guards. In 2008, he was consecrated to the royal knights of the Noble Order of the Garter. At this time, William is preparing to become a pilot of the search and rescue team of the Royal Air Force.
In addition to his military career, William is engaged in charitable activities, being the patron of the organizations Centrepoint, specializing in the problem of homeless youth, and Tusk Trust, devoted to the conservation of Africa’s wildlife. In 2007, the brothers William and Harry organize a concert in memory of their deceased mother, all funds from which go to charity, the main business of the life of Princess Diana, and to other patronage projects of the princes.
Kate Middleton
The personal life of the future King William of England attracts a keen interest from the press. With Kate Middleton, whom he met while studying at St. Andrews University, William is associated with a romantic relationship. Several months around the couple there are rumors about a possible engagement, but, to the great surprise of outside observers, in April 2007, William and Kate announce their separation. However, after this statement, Keith continues to attend public and official events, as well as traveling, in the company of William. Rumors of the couple’s imminent marriage continue to expand.
November 16, 2010 appears an official statement on the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton. During his trip to Kenya, William makes a proposal to Kate and presents his mother’s wedding ring. It becomes known that the couple will live in North Wales, where the Royal Air Force aviation group, in which William serves, is based. This engagement violates the age-old tradition of the royal family, according to which family members marry exclusively with royal or aristocratic blood.
On the day of his wedding, which took place on April 29, 2011 in Westminster Abbey, William receives from the Queen the official title of the Duke of Cambridge, as well as the additional titles of Count Strathernsky and Baron Carrickfergus.
Pregnancy Princess
On December 3, 2012, after nearly a year of rumors and speculation, the St. James Residence makes an official statement that Prince William and Kate Middleton are expecting the birth of their first child.
Their child will be the third great-grandson of the Queen and the third in line for the right to inherit the throne, after Prince Charles and Prince William.
“Their royal highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a child,” was the official confirmation of the pregnancy. “For the queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and members of both families, this news has become very pleasant.”
In September 2014, the couple announces the second pregnancy Kate Middleton.
Royal birth
In early July 2013, correspondents of international newspapers break camp in front of St. Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, waiting for the birth of the first child of Middleton and Prince William. It was at this hospital that Prince William himself and, later, Prince Harry, were born.
July 22, 2013 the official residence reports that in the evening, at 4:24 local time, Middleton gave birth to a boy weighing 3 kg 800 g. And two days later it becomes known and the name of the child – George Alexander Louis, who will be awarded the title ” His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge. “
Two months after the birth of his son, Prince William declares that he is leaving military service. He decides to focus on his royal duties and charitable work. According to “BBC News”, the main effort he will take to preserve the wildlife. “The threat of the extinction of our natural heritage is enormous, but I believe that, by joint efforts of the best minds, we can give impetus to renewing activities to protect endangered species and individuals for future generations.”
Biography of Prince William