Biography of Malala Yusufzai

Malala Yusufzai is a Pakistani schoolgirl, a fighter for women’s rights to education. In retaliation for her human rights activities and criticism of the Taliban, she was wounded by Taliban militants. He is the recipient of numerous awards, the youngest person who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013.

Early life

Malala was born on July 12, 1997 in Mingora, in the Swat area in the northwest of Pakistan in a Sunni Muslim family.

Her father Ziyauddin Yusufzai is a poet. He runs a network of public schools and advocates for education. In 2009, Malala began writing an anonymous blog for the BBC, expressing her views on education and life under the threat of the Taliban. She took a pseudonym – “Gul Makai.”

During this period, the military influence of the Taliban in Pakistan increased. “Sometimes artillery was heard from the advancing Taliban forces,” Malala wrote in her blog. As soon as the Taliban took control of entire areas, they issued decrees prohibiting television and music, as well as prohibiting women from visiting stores and restricting their education. Many schools for girls were detonated and, as a consequence, the students remained at home, fearing possible repression by the Taliban. However, during the lull, some girls could get an elementary education if they wore burki. At this time, Malala and her father began to receive threats because of their frank views, they began to worry about their safety. Father began to consider moving to Swat for a boarding school, but Malala did not want to leave.

“I do not know why, but the thought of being a target did not bother me, it seemed to me that everyone knows that they will die one day.”

When her father asked her to stop her campaigns for human rights, Malala said: “How can we do this?” You said that if we believe in something more than our life, our voices will only multiply, even if we die. We can not renounce our views!

People asked me to speak at events. How could I refuse to say that speaking is a direct threat to security? We, like the proud Pashtuns, could not do this. My father always said that heroism is in our DNA.

In addition to the blog, Malala became famous in the documentary film of reporter Adam B. Ellick. Widely known after her involvement in the BBC blog was revealed, since she previously led it anonymously. In 2011, she received the first Pakistan National Youth Peace Prize and was nominated by Archbishop Desmond Tutu for the International Children’s Peace Prize. Sharp criticism of the Taliban prompted the meeting of their leaders, and in 2012 they decided to kill Malala.


On October 9, 2012, a masked fighter entered her school bus and asked: “Which of you is Malala? Say, otherwise I will shoot at all.”

When Malala was identified among the children, the gunman made a shot at point-blank range, and the bullet passed through her head, neck and shoulder. The other two girls sitting side by side were also wounded, although not as much as Malala.

Malala was in critical condition. Her father was convinced that she would die, and told everyone to prepare for her funeral. Vital organs were injured and the infection spread. In a coma, she was transferred to a hospital in Rwalpindi. Later, on October 15, she was transported to Birmingham in the UK for further treatment in a specialized hospital for the treatment of military injuries. A couple of days later, she came out of a coma and had a good treatment. She was discharged on January 3, 2013 and moved with her family to a temporary home in the West Midlands. In her book “I’m Malala” she writes: “It was a miracle that I stayed alive”. She also writes about the absence of bitterness or the desire for revenge.

“I only regret that I did not have the opportunity to talk to him before he shot me, now he will never hear what I wanted to say, I do not even think bad of the man who shot me – I there was no thought of revenge – I just wanted to return to Swat. I wanted to go home. “

Reaction to an attempt

The assassination attempt caused worldwide condemnation and prompted protests throughout Pakistan. More than 2 million people signed the “Right to Education” petition. This petition helped ratify the bill on the right to education in Pakistan.

Ehsanullah Ehsan, the chief representative of the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that Yusufzai was a symbol of infidelity and obscenity. However, Islamic clerics in Pakistan issued a fatwa against the Taliban leaders and said there was no religious justification for attempting a schoolgirl.

Speech at the UN

On October 15, UN Special Envoy for World Education Gordon Brown visited Malal while she was at the hospital, and began her petition on her behalf – “In support of what Malala fought for”

Using the slogan “I’m Malala”, the petition contained three demands:

“We call on Pakistan to adopt a plan to provide education for every child.

– We call on all countries to prohibit discrimination against girls.

– We call on international organizations to provide 61 million children who can not attend school by the end of 2015.

On July 12, 2013, she addressed the youth group at the United Nations, calling for the idea of ​​free education throughout the world.

“I’m not an opponent of anyone, I’m not here to talk about revenge against the Taliban or any other terrorist group, I’m here to talk about the right to education for every child.” I want education and for the sons and daughters of the Taliban, and all terrorists and extremists “.

Its worldwide fame and admiration in the West triggered a backlash in Pakistan. Many in Pakistan fear the support of Malala by the West, given the US attitude to Pakistan and Afghanistan. In addition, her position underlines the unconfirmed Taliban militancy, which is a problem for Pakistan. Some in Pakistan fear Malala’s propaganda of Western ideology and values. Malala is alarmed by the conspiracy theory in her own country and seeks to show her native Pakistan in a good light. Her blog expresses just such moods.

Citations of Malala

“Today we all know that education is one of our basic rights, not only in the West, but Islam also gave us this right.” Islam says that every girl and every person should go to school. “In the Koran it is written that God wants us to we had knowledge. “

“One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education is first.”

“I love my God, I thank my Allah, I talk with him all day.” He gave me my position to reach people, he also gave me great responsibilities. “The world in every house, every street, every village, in every country it’s my dream Education for every boy and every girl in the world It’s my right to sit on a chair and read books with all my friends at school It’s my wish to see everyone and every person with a smile of happiness. “

Biography of Malala Yusufzai