Biography of Kondratiya Ryleeva

Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev – a poet, a Decembrist.

In 1801, on the instructions of his mother in the biography of Rileyev, he entered the first cadet corps of St. Petersburg. It is here that the desire for creativity appears, the first poems by Ryleev. For example, “Kulakiyada.”

In 1814, becoming an officer, goes on a campaign together with the Russian army in France, Switzerland. In 1818, in the biography of Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev, the service ends, he resigns. Two years later he marries Natalia Tevyashina, settles in Petersburg. At this life stage, Rileyev’s work flourishes, his poems are published, as well as small articles. In 1821, the poet was elected to the position of assessor of the criminal chamber, three years later he was employed by a Russian-American company.

The literary meetings that took place in the poet’s house prompted the idea to publish an almanac every year. After three consecutive years, the “Polar Star” comes out. At the same time new works by Ryleev are published: Dumas, Voinarovsky.

In 1823, the poet is part of the revolutionary Northern Society, which already a year later heads. This democratic association held its meetings in the house of Ryleev. Then he transferred the powers of the board to Trubetskoi, but he was still at the Senate Square on December 14 during the uprising.

The next day in the biography of Kondratiya Ryleeva an arrest took place. Rileyev wrote poetry even in prison. Having pleaded guilty, he received a death sentence. For Ryleyev, the death appointed by quartering was later replaced by a hanging. He regarded his works not as a literary creation, but as a civil duty, which significantly distinguishes Ryleev’s biography from the other poets of his era.

Biography of Kondratiya Ryleeva