Biography of George W. Bush

George Walker Bush is governor, president of the United States from January 2001 to January 2009.

Born July 6, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut, father – 41st US President George Herbert Walker Bush. The first education in the biography of Bush was received at the Phillips Academy. Then he studied at Yale University, where in 1968 he received a bachelor’s degree.

After graduation, he began to serve in the National Guard. After completing his service, in 1973 he entered the Harvard Business School. There he received the title of MBA – master of business administration.

In 1994, in the biography of George W. Bush, the post of governor of Texas was occupied. The second time he became governor of Texas in 1998, having received broad support from citizens.

The first act after receiving the post of president in 2001 was tax cuts. Bush expressed a negative attitude to Iraq in 2001, when he confirmed air strikes. After the tragedy of September 11, 2001, Bush began to wage war on terrorism, and in 2003, under the pretext of getting rid of weapons of mass destruction, began a war with Iraq.

In November 2004, Bush’s biography won the second presidential election. From 2001 to 2005, his adviser on national security issues was Condoleezza Rice. In 2005, insufficient assistance to citizens during the floods in New Orleans further undermined the authority of the authorities. In 2008, Barack Obama won the next election, the inauguration of which was held in January 2009.

Biography of George W. Bush