Biography of Christina Asmus

Kristina Asmus is a talented Russian actress who has played many roles in theater and cinema. She was very popular with the series “Interns”.

Born April 14, 1988 in the suburbs, the girl has three more sisters. The actress’s parents have the surname Myasnikovs, the girl took a pseudonym. Asmus is the surname of her grandfather on the maternal line, their genus had German roots. Since early childhood, she was engaged in gymnastics. It was gymnastics that brought up in Christina endurance and the desire to achieve success. Her hard work on herself earned her the title of Master of Sports.

At school she played in the theater, her first role was the role of Zhenya Komelkova from the play “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”. The young actress played in several popular performances, honing her acting talent.

Success in Career

In 2005, the girl enters the School-Studio of the Moscow Art Theater. Her course was led by Konstantin Raikin, but studies did not work out.

In 2010 she made her debut in the comedy series “Interns”, in the role of Vary Chernous.

In 2012, she graduated from the Shchepkin Theater School, her course was directed by actor Boris Klyuyev.

After the birth of her daughter in 2014, Christina returns to the drama theater named after Ermolova.

Personal life

In her student years, Christina had an affair with classmate Victor Stepanyan, whom they later parted. The reason for parting was Christina’s fascination with theater and cinema. Her main goal was a career, at that time she did not think about personal family relations.

Since 2013, Christina began a violent romance with Garik Kharlamov. They even got married, but soon their marriage was declared not valid, as Garik was in the process of divorce from Julia Kharlamova and the official court decision on the divorce of Garik with Julia was not yet.

Around the novel Asmus and Kharlamov was a huge scandal, there were many rumors. For a long time Christina hid her pregnancy.

January 5, 2014 they were born a long-awaited daughter Nastenka.

Biography of Christina Asmus