(1915 – 1990)
Matusovsky Mikhail Lvovich (1915 – 1990), the poet.
He was born on July 10 (23 N.) in Lugansk in a working family.
Childhood years passed in the city, surrounded by factories, mines, railway workshops, narrow-gauge railways.
Having finished the construction technical school, I began to work at the plant. At the same time he began to publish his poems in local newspapers and magazines, often appeared at literary evenings, having already received recognition.
In the early 1930s he came to Moscow to study at the Literary Institute, listened to lectures by Gudzia and Pospelov, Anikst and Isbach, Asmus and Sokolov. I got carried away with Old Russian literature.
In 1939, after graduating from the institute, entered postgraduate school, three years working on a dissertation research under the guidance of N. Gudzia, a connoisseur of ancient Russian literature. Defense of the thesis, appointed on June 27, 1941, did not take place – the war began, and Matusowski, having received the certificate of a military correspondent, went to the front. N. Gudzii obtained permission to ensure that the defense was held without the presence of the applicant, and Matusovsky, being at the front, received a telegram about conferring on him the degree of Candidate of Philology.
In front-line newspapers systematically appeared poetic satires and ditties of Matusovsky, and, most importantly, his songs. During the war, collections of poems were published: “The Front” (1942), “When the Ilmen-Lake Rings” (1944); in the post-war years – “Listening to Moscow” (1948), “The Street of Peace” (1951), etc.
Matusovsky is a popular songwriter who wrote such well-known songs as “School Waltz”, “Podmoskovnye Vechera”, “At Nameless Height”, “How Does the Motherland Begin?”, “Fly, Doves” and many others. He wrote songs for the films “Faithful Friends”, “Test of Fidelity”, “Unattainable”, etc. M. Matusovsky died in 1990 in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.
Biography Matusovsky Mikhail Lvovich