Biography Levitansky Yuri Davydovich


Levitansky Yuri Davydovich (1922-1996), a poet.
He was born on January 21 in Kiev. After graduating from the school in 1938 in the city of Stalin (now Donetsk), he goes to Moscow, where he studies at the Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History.
With the outbreak of the Patriotic War, he goes to the front as a soldier, becomes an officer, then a front-line correspondent, beginning printing in 1943 in front-line newspapers.
In the post-war years, the first collection of Levitan’s poems, The Soldier Road (1948), was published in Irkutsk, followed by the collections Meeting with Moscow (1949), The Most Expensive (1951), The Secret Name (1954)
In 1955-57 he studied at the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. In 1963 he published a collection of poems “Earthly Sky”, noticed by the poet A. Yashin, who made these poems known and his author. Levitan moves to Moscow. In addition to poetry, whose collections were regularly printed in various publications, the poet also deals with translations. In 1970 he published a collection of poems “Cinematography”; in 1975 – “Memories of the Red Snow”; in 1980 – “Two Time”; in 1980 – “Dream of the road”; in 1991 – “White Poems”. Yu. Levitansky lives and works in Moscow.
He died in 1996.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Levitansky Yuri Davydovich