The Arab conquests of the 7th-8th centuries. closely tied the Christian West and the Islamic world, the relations between which were not easy. Christians and Muslims had plenty of work among themselves, but at the same time they established peaceful trade and exchanged cultural achievements.
The creators of Islam were Arabs – Arabs.
The Arabian peninsula is washed on three sides by the seas. This is the real realm of sand. Almost all of its territory is covered with sandy and stony deserts and semi-deserts. There are no rivers, there are only dry channels – wadi. Rains in Arabia fall only in winter. Nevertheless, life was always raging there, the vegetable and animal world was rich enough. But of particular importance to Arabia were the ancient caravan routes that connect the Eastern Mediterranean with the countries of the East. The medieval population of Arabia fell into Pocket Trade – a dangerous, but very profitable.
People settled in Arabia mainly in coastal areas, on the edge of the desert – there have long been commercial settlements. That is, the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula were able to adapt to the severe natural and climatic conditions, although they often felt unprotected and helpless. People inhabited Arabia mainly Arab tribes, which were clearly divided into Arabs of the north and south. The northern Arabs were the brave and militant Bedouins, engaged in nomadic cattle breeding and caravan trade. They have, from time immemorial, used a one-horned camel, able to do without water for several days, settle for simple and rough food and at the same time carry a load of several hundred kilograms on its back.
They also invented a wineskin – a leather bag containing water. Camels and water skins with water allowed them to reach remote pastures and equip caravans almost to the end of the world. Along with trade, Bedouins willingly organized military campaigns, engaged in robbery, robbing the city, merchants and farmers. The southern Arabs gave priority to agriculture and navigation. They grew dates, mulberry, pomegranates, peaches, figs, apricots, grapes, wheat, barley and other crops, and kept camels, horses, sheep, goats. The Bedouins treated them scornfully, considering only worthy occupation to be commerce, usury, warfare and poetry.
Family ties among the Arabs were strong, because without them they, these children of the desert, did not survive. B. But before the appearance of Islam, the Arabs did not consider themselves a single community and did not form their own state.
Muslims are those who profess Islam.
Caravan trade – trade in goods brought through the desert on pack animals.
Bedouins are nomads on the Arabian Peninsula and in some parts of North Africa.
Islam is one of the world’s religions, widespread in the countries of the Near and Middle East.