All works are good taste

WHO TO BE? I have a year growing, there will be seventeen. Where to work for me then what to do? The right employees are carpenters and carpenters! To work furniture is tricky: first we take a log and saw the boards long and flat. These boards are so clamped the desk bench. From work the saw was glowing white. From the file are fillets. Rubanok in hand – the work is different: the knots, zakoryuki planking plow. Good shavings – yellow toys. And if you need a ball round us very much, on a lathe with a round point. We cook a little box, then a leg. Have made here so many chairs and tables!

The joiner is good, and the engineer is better, I would build a house, let them teach me. I’ll first draw a house as I want it to be. The most important thing is that the building should be painted nice, alive as if. It will be before, called the facade. Everyone will understand this – it’s a bath, it’s a garden. The plan is ready, and around a hundred works for a thousand hands. The forests rest in the heavens. Where the work is difficult, the winch screeches; raises beams, like sticks. Drag the bricks hardened in the oven. Tin laid out on the roof. And the house is ready, and the roof is there. A good house, a huge house on all four sides, and the children will heal comfortably and spaciously.

The engineer is good, but the doctor is better, I would go to the children to be treated, let them teach me. I’ll come to Petya, I’ll come to the Field. – Hello children! Who is sick? How do you live like a tummy? “I’ll see the tips of the tongues from the glasses.” – Put this thermometer under your armpits, kids. – And children put joyfully a thermometer under their arms. – You would very well swallow powder and potion with a spoon to drink a little. You in bed to go to sleep, you – a compression on your stomach, and then you have to win everything, of course, will heal.

Doctors are good, but the workers are better, I would go to the workers, let them teach me. Get up! Go! A whistle is calling, and we arrive at the factory. The people – a whole lot, one thousand two hundred. What one will not do – we’ll do it together, We can cut the iron with scissors, pull the crane with hanging weight; The hammer of steam oppression and the rails of grass. Tin melting, machines are correct. The work of everyone is needed in the same way. I do the nuts, and you make the screws for the nut. And everyone’s work goes directly to the assembly shop. Bolts, climb into the holes are even, parts together are huge. There – smoke, here – thunder. Thunder is the whole house. And then the locomotive climbs up, so that you carry us both.

The factory is good, and in the tram – it’s better, I’ll go conductor, let them teach me. Conductors ride everywhere. With a large leather bag he always, he can ride all day in trams. – Large and children, take a ticket, tickets are different, take any – green, red and blue. – We ride rails. The rail has finished, and we climbed down by the forest, sit down and warm ourselves.

The conductor is good, and the driver is better, I would go to the drivers, let them teach me. An ambulance car snorts, flies, gliding, a good driver, I can not be held back. Just tell me where you need to go – without the rails of the residents I’ll bring it home. E – dem, we are dying: “With the help of wi – di!”

To be a chauffeur is good, and a pilot is better, I would go to the pilots, let them teach me. I pour gasoline into the tank, I start the propeller. “To heaven, motor, carry, so that the birds sing.” Do not be afraid of rain or hail. I fly around the cloud, the cloud-fly. White gull hovering, flying over the seas. Without talking, I fly a mountain. “Drive, the motor, so that we can take them to the stars and to the moon, although the moon and the mass of the stars are completely remote.”

The pilot is well, but the sailor is better, I would go to the sailors, let them teach me. I have a ribbon on my cap, on a sailor’s anchor. I sailed this summer, conquering the oceans. In vain, the waves, jumps – a sea path on the edges and on the mast clambering cat. Surrender, the wind is snowy, give up, the storm is bad, I’ll open the South Pole, and the North probably.



