Natural phenomena of nature in Africa

Spontaneous phenomena are events in nature, manifested as a powerful destructive force. These include, in particular, droughts, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, hurricanes, etc. Natural phenomena can lead to numerous human casualties, the destruction of buildings, roads, damage to agricultural lands, forests.

In Africa, natural disasters include, first of all, permanent droughts, during which there is a long and significant lack of precipitation, usually at high temperatures and low humidity. Especially often droughts occur in the savannah zone of North and East Africa. Droughts are accompanied by a dry wind – a wind that carries thousands of kilometers of hot and dry air. With him, he carries a lot of grains of sand and dust. Droughts and dry winds lead to crop losses, pasture loss and, as a result, people’s hunger in many African countries. Sandstorms in deserts fill with sand the wells, caravan routes.

The locust invasion inflicts great harm. As a rule, these insects lead a solitary and sedentary lifestyle. But sometimes locusts gather in huge camps and fly thousands of kilometers, destroying crops along the way in large areas.



