In the past, we moved to a new area, and I had to go to a new school. The guys in the class were not bad, and I quickly became acquainted with everyone.
In our class there was a student who immediately interested me. His name was Vladik. He constantly read: at lessons, at changes, and sometimes on the go. What is surprising, in the classroom everyone loved him and nobody called him a “literal” or “cramp”. Vladik often supplemented the teacher at lessons and enthusiastically recounted the task assigned to the house, supplying the story with new details, which were not mentioned in the textbooks. His answers were listened not only by the teacher – the whole class sat with bated breath, as if Vladik had just returned from distant countries and shared his impressions.
Some guys came to school wearing jeans and sneakers, and Vladik always had neatly ironed trousers and a jacket. He liked to feel strict and fit. Vladik was white-haired, and therefore his dark eyes caused a strange sense of inconsistency. These eyes always looked good-natured, but attentively, and during jokes and jokes in them funny sparks appeared. Vladik spoke very competently and beautifully, he was able to separate the main from the secondary.
I was always very curious about what Vladik reads with such enthusiasm. I did not sit very often on books, and I was surprised that this activity can bring someone so much pleasure. But I was rather shy about asking.
I was fond of football. One day Vladik brought a book to the class and handed it to me. He said that the book should interest me. I remember, I “swallowed” this book for several days, so entertaining and new was the information placed in it about my favorite sport. There were interesting facts from the history of football, interviews with famous players and much more.
With gratitude, I returned the book to my friend and asked if he still had anything of the same interest. Vladik smiled and invited me to his home with a proposal to choose what he liked.
So I met my best friend, whom I can always rely on in difficult moments.