For sure, each of us has read and heard about people who committed feats and heroic deeds. There are many examples of animal heroes who gave their lives for a person or simply by faith and truth served him. But in the story of E. I. Nosov “The White Goose” we meet with an example of a completely different heroism. The main hero of the story is an ordinary country bird. Proud and important White goose never hurried anywhere, preserving its own dignity, and always
I could stand up for myself. When the goose died, the goose took responsibility for raising the chicks. He defended and protected them, driving away from the place of their grazing in the meadow all animals and people. Once upon a time in the meadow, where the geese of the whole village were grazing, a heavy downpour with hail fell down. Hail painfully beat the birds on their backs and heads, and in the end they could not stand it and ran to the pond, under the protection of the laziness and the bank edges. Only the White Goose, protecting the goslings, remained in the meadow.
When the cloud was gone, it turned out that the heroic feathered defender died, giving his own life for the life of the kids. The chicks of the remaining geese died from hail blows. I believe that the main character of the story has much to learn from many people, because he accomplished his feat thanks to such qualities as fearlessness, pride and a sense of duty.