Composition on the story “The Fate of Man”

M. Sholokhov in his works posed and resolved serious philosophical and moral problems. In all the works of the writer, the intertwining of two main themes is traced in one context or another: the themes of man and the theme of war.

In “The Destiny of Man,” Sholokhov reminds the reader of the calamities that the Great Patriotic War brought to the Russian people, the perseverance of a man who survived all the anguish and did not break. The story of Sholokhov is permeated with boundless faith in the spiritual strength of the Russian people.

The plot is based on vivid psychological episodes. Seeing off to the front, captivity, attempted flight, second escape, news of the family. Such a rich material would be enough for a whole novel, but Sholokhov managed to fit it into a short story.

The plot was based on Sholokhov’s real story, told the author in the first post-war year, a simple chauffeur who had just returned from the war. In the story there are two voices: “leads” Andrei Sokolov – the main character. The second voice is the voice of the author, the listener, the casual interlocutor.

The voice of Andrei Sokolov in the story is a frank confession. About his whole life he told a stranger, splashed out everything that he had kept in his soul for years. Surprisingly unmistakably found landscape background for the story of Andrei Sokolov. The joint of winter and spring. And it seems, only in such circumstances the story of the life of a Russian soldier could sound with an exciting frank confession.

This man had a hard time in life. He goes to the front, falls into captivity with inhuman conditions of existence. But after all, he had a choice, he could secure a tolerable life, agreeing to report on his own comrades.

Once at work Andrei Sokolov recklessly spoke about the Germans. His statement can not be called a replica thrown at the enemy, it was a cry of the soul: “Yes one square meter of these stone slabs are many for the grave of each of us.”

The deserved reward was the opportunity to see the family. But after arriving home, Andrei Sokolov learns that the era family died, and in the place where his home was located – a deep pit overgrown with weeds. The son of Andrey perishes in the last days of the war, when the long-awaited victory was a stone’s throw away.

The author’s voice helps us to comprehend human life as a phenomenon of an entire epoch, to see in it the universal content and meaning. But in Sholokhov’s story, another voice sounded, a sonorous, clean childish voice, seemingly not fully aware of all the misfortunes and misfortunes that fall to the human part. Appearing at the beginning of the story so carefree and sonorous, he will leave then, this boy, in order to become a direct participant in the final scenes, acting person of high human tragedy.

All that is left in Sokolov’s life is memories of the family and an endless road. But life can not consist of only black bands. The fate of Andrei Sokolov reduced him to a boy of six, as lonely as himself. Nobody needed a smeared kid Vanyka. Only Andrei Sokolov regretted the orphanage, adopted Vanyusha, gave him all the unspent father’s love.

It was a feat, a feat not only in the moral sense of the word, but also in the heroic. With regard to Andrei Sokolov for childhood, to Vanyusha, humanism won a great victory. He triumphed over the antihumanity of fascism, over destruction and loss.

Sholokhov accentuates the reader’s attention not only on the episode of the meeting of Sokolov with the orphan Vanya. Very colorful is also the scene in the church. The Germans shot a man only because he was asked to go outside, so as not to defile the temple of God. In the same church Andrei Sokolov kills a man. Sokolov was killed by a coward who was ready to betray his commander.

How many things Andrei Sokolov suffered in his life, but he was not embittered at destiny, at people, he remained a man with a kind heart, a sensitive heart, capable of loving and compassion. Perseverance, tenacity in the struggle for life, the spirit of courage and comradeship – these qualities not only remained unchanged in the character of Andrei Sokolov, but also multiplied.

Sholokhov teaches humanism. This concept can not be turned into a beautiful word. After all, even the most sophisticated critics, arguing on the theme of humanism in the story “The Fate of Man,” speak of a great moral feat. Joining the critics say, I want to add one thing to be a real man to be able to make all the grief, tears, separation, death of loved ones, the pain of humiliation and abuse and not become a beast after a predatory gaze and forever embittered soul, and remain human.



