There is an invisible force in the world. She is both a weapon and a healer of the soul. It is capable of changing the world around us. This is the power of the word.
A native word is especially important for a person. His child hears in his cradle from his mother, then for the first time he utters it with his mouth, then learns to disassemble his letters in books. With a native word, a person grows up, a person. Each nation has its own. For us it is a Russian word.
What is the power of the word? “You can kill a word, you can save a word, in a word you can regiment behind a story!” – so says the poet Vadim Shefner about him. Only one word can awaken despair or anger in a person. And can encourage, inspire, bring to life. With his help, a person can work miracles.
It is known that the word and the silence are connected, they are on one scales. No wonder they say that the word is silver, and silence is gold. This is the correct saying. It often happens that you inadvertently offend a friend or someone from the family, and then feel ashamed. I wish I did not say anything.
It is also impossible to talk endlessly. Words lose their value if we say too much or not on the topic of conversation. Or we do not back up the words with deeds.
The word is power, if it is not empty, not thrown to the wind. “The word can be poured into the smoldering lead,” Vadim Shefner writes. The sharp speech of writers and poets, for example, always defended the common people, restored justice, proclaimed wisdom. And people listened to their word.
So use the word carefully and accurately, because it is a great strength and value! And it depends only on the person how to use this force: for evil or for good.