The history of my family in the history of my country

Purpose: the formation of patriotic and civic qualities of the individual on the basis of knowledge of the history of his family.

– Expand the concept of family, family traditions, the importance and role of the family in human life;

-Involve on emotional feelings.

– To promote the formation of students’ feelings of love and respect for the older generation, a positive attitude towards their family members.

-bring up a sense of pride for one’s family, respect and love for the ancestors, the past of our homeland, our city.

Equipment: presentation “History of my family in the history of my country”, recording of E. Krylatova’s musical work, exhibition of projects of students “My family” and “History of my family in the history of my country”.

“We’ll smile at the sun, we’ll give each other a hand and let in a circle a spark of good mood.”

Determining the objectives of the lesson

In the family of harmony – no need and treasure.

Who has a grandmother and grandfather, he knows no troubles.

In a friendly family and in a cold heat.

The whole family together, so the soul is in place.

The land without water is dead, a man without a family is a void.

Family cherish – happy to be.

Family in the heap, not scary and clouds.

– Today we will go on a wonderful journey through the pages of the history of your families. The purpose of our event is to learn about the family history, about your close people something important and interesting.

– You have prepared projects about your loved ones. Share our stories with our guests.

– There are many wonderful families in our country, each of them carefully keeps family histories, photographs, relics.

The 20th century was very difficult for our country. The war was the hardest test for our families. Only the people with their perseverance, selflessness, willingness to give their lives for their country could save it. Our great-grandfathers also left for the front. Let’s remember them.

-The history of their family is carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation in the family of Beketaeva Saule. (Presentation)

– It seems to me that for every person the closest story is the life of his family. Each family has its own history, but it closely intertwines with the history of the whole country. The Great Patriotic War left a trace in the destinies of millions of people. Iskakova Madina will tell us about the fate of her family.

“These distant war years have passed, but the memory of the heroes will remain forever in our hearts. The story of his family will tell us Serisheva Nina.

– Yesterday, last year

He does not die in man.

The past century – it is in our century

He still rings and still sings.

High Ways Live

Mind and heart of past years,

And past participation and agitation

In history they left their mark!

“The post-war years were very difficult for our country. But even then the man showed courage, perseverance.

– Among your loved ones there were soldiers, and workers of the rear, and veterans of labor. Some of them store material about the life of their relatives in museums. Plowhuhina Xenia will tell her story of the family. (Slideshow)

– Orazalin Aigerim will tell about his family.

– Each of you spent many hours on family albums, listening to stories told by moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers. And now let’s once again remember those about whom your stories were.

-Listen to the family history of Frolova Maria and the life of another wonderful person.

– And here is a story carefully stored and passed from generation to generation in the family of Kudabaev Miras.

– You have tables on the table for the collage of chamomile, poppies, cornflowers. (Children on Whatman stick photos of family or family)

(The music of E. Krylatova sounds.)

– What did you do? (Discussion of the collage).

– Your flowers are also symbolic. Cornflowers – hope, dandelions – symbolize the unity of the family.

“Our college is also a family!” So let us live in peace and harmony, preserve traditions, remember history! And our guests will be given a piece of family unity – chamomile. (The song “I, you, he, she” sounds)

– Thank you all for your work!



